Vacation Day whatever (Day 2? Day 3? Does it matter?)

Sep 10, 2008 14:53

Beautiful day, attempted hiking.  Failed somewhat.

Apparently the rain dance I did last night did not work for rain, as the day is 60 degrees, sunny, clear skies.  However, it appears it was a "bum knee" dance.  :(  We got about 45 minutes (maybe 1/2 mile) up Mt. Porter and BF said his knee was angry.  Well, actually, we had a long discussion about how the smart thing to do would be to turn back because of his knee, and I would not think less of him.  And he would think less of himself and grrrrr and stupid knee, etc.  Boys are stupid.

So, back down we went.  Total hiking = 1 1/2 hours.  Got some really good coffee.  Stopped into the Olympic Center for Ani, to see if we could find out who was skating here, these days.  Guy said between seasons, so not really anyone.  Only one rink open right now, and mostly conversions rent it out.  There was, in fact, some company bonding team thing renting skates.

Walked around the lake.  The lake in the middle of Lake Placid, which is actually Mirror Lake, for those of you keeping score at home.  Good lunch.  Little shopping; got the new Neal Stephenson book.  Promise from BF of more shopping to come.  Big sale at EMS.  Used book store not open today.  Need post cards.

Back at the hotel, where they are having some sort of police convention.  Lots of big, burley, conservative men.  lol

Several hours to kill, here, so plans are internetz, showers, sex, napping.  Then off to dinner.  *contented sigh*  Love vacation.


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