Screw you Speakeasy

Aug 13, 2010 16:18

Finally got the Internets wednesday night. I don't think I'll use Speakeasy next time we move, the install was possibly the most painful part of our move. Took a week for the phone company installer to come out. *Then* they scheduled "their" installer to come out a week+ (3 weeks total) later. For some unknowable reason, that guy doesn't show up. I call at 5 (for my 12-5 window) and the helpful Speakeasy guy says the installer claims he's at my location. Obviously not true, and kind of random. So they say they're going to reschedule for Monday. Which actually gets rescheduled for Wednesday. Wednesday morning, I get an e-mail saying there's some issue with the installer and they're re-scheduling to Friday. I resolve to call and tell them to go F themselves, I'll get a cable modem if this is how they treat their customers. Helpful guy from Speakeasy calls before I get around to calling them. Says they auto-matically rescheduled it to friday, he knows that's messed up, can I do 4-7 Wed instead of 12-5 Wed. Okay, I needs my internet. I feel bad, because the actual employees of Speakeasy are always friendly and helpful and clearly doing their best to help and keep me informed. Except the initial sales guy who told me it would all be ready within two weeks. But the Covad folks (who run their network and do all the installs) seem like irresponsible incompetent fuckups. Although to be fair, the actual installer who eventually showed up seemed like a nice enough guy.

Anyway, internets back, that was the main thing keeping this place from feeling like home yet. We've got 1.5M down/384k up. For an extra $50 a month, we can get 6Mdown and I dunno, 768k up? Has anyone out there paid for extra broadband bandwidth? Was it worth it, do you notice a difference, would you recommend it, etc, etc?

My old-school hindbrain says 1.5M is plenty, the web servers used to throttle the other end any way. But I still can think that bigger tubes would give me four times as much internet.
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