Dec 19, 2009 18:53
Apparently this is a routine, every-other-year thing here.
It sucks.
Sure I'm damned curious to look inside my guts--actually I am, as touchy as those guts can be at times I'd sure like to see what is where. I asked to be awake, foolish me, but as it turns out I had my back to the monitor so it wouldn't have helped. Wouldn't have because I was a gagging puking mess. No matter how much I psyche myself, no matter how much numby stuff they pour and spray in me, I simply cannot stand the thought of inhaling water/spit/foreign objects. Panic and freakout, so they knocked me out to get the thing done. I've been woozy and tired all day. Yeeech.
Okay, it didn't help my psyche that the robe (to wear for the chest x-ray) was a little bit small and there were two guys in the waiting room who could look straight at me in the locker room. I don't mind being seen less-than-dressed, but I cannot abide being stared at in that state. Meh. The site where they drew blood is an ugly bruise. Not that anyone will notice as it is scary cold out right now, supposed to get down to -10 Celsius tomorrow night . Not even sure what F that is--it's off my chart. I'm cleaning but that should involve taking out trash, and that's just not going to happen tonight. I am staying inside.
Low on cash, may stay home tomorrow. Well, will probably run out for coffee at some point--the instant I bought is unlikely to satisfy me, to say nothing of not coming with a couch and good music.