Me I love this season

Dec 20, 2007 02:57

My "favorite" internet loony man-boy has some thoughts on Christmas...

You know why I hate Christmas?

Because you're the Grinch's demented little brother?

The fucking hypocrisy. Every one of you donkey-fucking, brain-dead, slack jawed, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, glassy eyed, mongoloids becomes a fucking raging hypocrite at Christmas time. You don't fool me with your "holiday cheer". You think I'm impressed by you pretending to give a fuck for the "poor" or the "unfortunate"? You think I don't know why you really give to the salvation army, or "save the children" or the red cross? You think I can't see through you when you go singing carols to "brighten up the holidays"? You think I'm too stupid to realise why you try to "bury the hatchet" or "forgive and forget", during the holidays? I know exactly why you fucking self centered, self absorbed, validation craving, bandwagon riding, child raping, shit for brains assholes pretend like you give two fucks for your fellow man. I know what you're trying to hide. And its not gonna work. I know. You can give out as many Christmas geese as you want. You can man a bucket for the salvation army. Hell you can have a a motherfucking charity fiesta in your ass for all I care, but you're all still the same piece of shit, self centered, oblivious to everyone around you, prima fucking donna wannabe, assholes you are the rest of the year.

I'm an asshole year round. I don't try to hide it with bullshit secret Santa's gifts for people I wouldn't waste my piss on, even if they were on fire. I don't go around singing Christmas carols to hide the fact that I'm a self absorbed piece of shit who doesn't give a fuck for anyone. I don't volunteer at homeless shelters as a way of assuaging my guilt.I'm not a hypocrite. You are. All of you pompous, moronic, cheery, merry, celebratory, yule-tide cheer motherfuckers are nothing more than bleeding-vagina castrato who don't have the balls to be the same socially awkward, foul smelling, intellect lacking, fad following, fucktards you are the rest of the year.

I'm almost tempted to link back to him, just because his latest spurt of crazy-stupid is reaching for some new level of Crazy-Stupid. But I won't. The morbidly curious will just have to practice their Google Fu. I think Ragnell may be right in her guess that this frothing Man-child is a sock puppet for some other Way Right-Wing Anti-Feminist...

internet drama, people in need of a smack, internets lol, christmas

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