Click to read a "defense" of Dave Sim. Though by defense, I mean more of an attack on his critics. I don't feel like creating an account for whatever comics village is to leave a comment, so I'll just do so here.
1. I like the comic. In fact I'm mostly happy with the 13 phone books of collected Cerebus I own. Even as Sim's philosophies start to leak in, theres still enough to enjoy that I can still recomend those first dozen plus books...
2. I'm a dude. Enjoyment of Tamora Pierce's books and Grey's Anatomy not withstanding, still a straight, adult, white male...
3. Sim is misogynistic, not because feminists say he is. He's misogynistic because he espouses a philosophy that holds women in disdain and expresses irrational anger towards them. He is misogynistic because he has responded in vile, angry and generally crazed ways to women who try to open a dialogue with him...
4. Sim comes off as insane (I won't say he IS insane because I have no training in psychiatry) because he says that sickness is caused by tiny demons. And those demons need to be shot into the sun. And because he feels that there is a vast conspiracy of women OUT TO GET HIM. Now its just my totally unproffesional and untrained opinion, but that kind of delusional paranoia comes off as TOTALLY BUG-FUCK CRAZY...