Pretty substantial haul this week. Though my comics shop didn't have a copy of
kevin_church's Cover Girl #3. They said they'd check to see if they didn't order any or if it shipped late for them. But they did have plenty of the Deadpool/GLI Summer Fun Special from last week I missed out on, so thats good. Fabian Nicieza and Dan Slott mocking Penance? Whats not to love?
Then speaking of things that are luverly, we get the finale to Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil. With Cap and Billy taking on the dastardly Dr. Sivana and the oh so Wicked Worm. Plus a giant monster gets punched SO HARD it turns into a quantum singularity. Yay comics!
Next we head to G0dland, where the Savage Sting kills many, many poor soldiers. Luckily the military wises up and lets loose Adam Archer to deal with things, putting right what they made wrong...
Then I surprise myself by getting sucked into ANOTHER Marvel monthly. But its Fred Van Lente, the maverick genius behind The Silencers and Action Philosophers. Doing a story on the GREATEST HEIST EVER. With Armadillo, Mentallo, Puma, Rocket Racer, Spot, Deadly Nightshade, Chameleon and the Living Laser working for the Mental Organism Designed Only For Killing! Yes its Super-Villain Team-Up: Modok's 11. Though by my count there are still a couple villains needed...
After that we get another issue of Rick Spears/Rob G's cyberpunk bounty hunter story Repo. I think I'd follow these two anywhere. I've yet to be disappointed by them...
Continuing onwards we've got the next Annihilation: Conquest mini, Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar. If you don't want to read the space adventures of Captain Mar-Vell's lesbian daughter weilding the Quantum Bands and Drax the Destroyer's telepathic avatar lesbian daughter then you're no friend of mine. Also Mar-Vell's ex? What a bitch! She seems much nicer in those old comics where Cap is dying of cancer...
Up next we've got a new Knights of the Dinner Table, where the story steps away from the UT+1's current campaign and focuses on Weird Pete and the World of Hackcraft MMORPG. Plus we see how the coupon wars are affecting Patty's Perps, plus finally meet Chad's mysterious girlfriend. Oh and
spoonyone's reveiw of the 3rd PotC movie and other articles...
Then its a new Army@Love where we learn why Flabbergast has gone mad with love. And Loman has to deal with issues related to his skimming money. Plus a concert in the Hot Zone that doesn't go well...
And speaking of crazy writers who used to be on Animal Man, we finish with Peter Milligan's newest from WildStorm; The Programme which is about super-humans. And Russian Commies. And possibly some other stuff. Come on! Its Pete Milligan! You just know this is going to be some wicked cool and crazy shit...