frustratedpilot asks:
1) Are there any music bands/acts that you like that you don't have in your record collection? If so, name three.
1 - The Jolly Rogers. A pirate folk band.
2 - Queen. This is a truly lamentable oversight. I need "Fat bottomed girls" and "I want it all".
3 - The Minutemen. After seeing the documentary on them, I keep meaning to get one of their albums, but always forget...
2) Imagine you have a superwonderful child for a son or daughter. Would you rather they go to school at Hogwarts or PS238? 'Splain.
ps238. 'Cause then they can be both a wizard AND a super. Wizard Supers get awesome capes...
3) You hear a rumor that Joss Whedon will adapt a comic book from the 1980s to the big screen as his next project. Which one do you hope he gets his hands on?
Wait, 80s? Hmmm. Tougher call. 90s I can do easy. That would be New Warriors. 80s is pre-Image. So lets say...80's Teen Titans?
4) You get tickets to two days at the Winter Olympic Games. Which events do you go see?
Hockey, so I can root for whoever is playing those smug Canadian bastards. That one thing with cross-country skiing plus marksmanship...
5) Which would you rather own, a car that drives itself and always knows where it is and where it's going--or a robotic bed that massages you as you sleep and keeps you comfy?
RoboCar. So I can nap...