Jul 10, 2017 23:21
From Dusk 'Till Dawn s.1: I only watched the first three episodes and then the series finale. And it was very much not good. Even on a specialty tier network like El Ray I can't believe it got three seasons. Making Richie Gecko's psychotic delusions actual psychic visions was..almost clever though. And his actor was a step up from Tarantino.
Chewing Gum s.2: I liked and even empathized with most of the characters in the first season. This time around, I mostly just found them selfish and irritating. Until the end when again they become more sympathetic again.
Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King: Comedy special for Minhaj, who is a writer for the Daily Show. Funny and good, but not great. I liked the stuff from his childhood with his immigrant little sister the best probably.
Girlboss s.1: I went looking for reviews after I finished and maaaaaan did a lot of reviewers hate this. I wouldn't call it A-level television, but the actors were good, the overall story arc was interesting and it was often amusing at least. Plus it has Hutch from the Middle.