Jun 26, 2016 16:50
Pretty Deadly #10: Script Kelly Sue DeConnick, Art & cover Emma Rios, Collors Jordie Bellaire, Letters Clayton Cowles & Design Laurenn McCubbin. More confrontation between the Reapers and War. And family visitations.
Bitch Planet #8: Script Kelly Sue DeConnick, Art & cover Valentine De Landro, Colors Kelly Fitzpatrick, Letters Clayton Cowles & Design Rian Hughes & Lauren McCubbin. A visit to the trans wing of the prison and a visit by the parent of a prisoner and finally a visit to a solitary confinement prisoner.
The Autumnlands #11: Writer Kurt Busiek, Artist Benjamin Dewey, Color art Jordie Bellaire & Lettering & design John Roshell & Jimmy Betancourt of Comicraft. One body-horror mutation cleansed. And one group of femme android statues accessed.
kelly sue deconnick,
kurt busiek