Aug 04, 2014 18:35
The roommate had Kickstarter-ed this small (probably somewhere between 100-200 participants) 2-day gaming convention. And he had an extra pass and I have bunches of vacation hours to burn off before year's end. Played a few card games;For Sale, Pick that Dog and Sentinels of the Multiverse; in between longer gaming sessions. I'd played For Sale before but had forgotten, its a bidding game centered around flipping real estate. Sentinels was a pretty cool non-collectable card game of super-hero battles...
Mostly we played in three different rpgs. "Trollhunter" was a GURPS: Fantasy game with the pre-gens carrying over and leveling from session to session. Fairly fun and I always want a chance to try out more GURPS in the hope of one day running my ideas for a modern horror or GURPS: X-Com campaign. Then Ken St. Andre ran a group of us thru a Tunnels & Trolls scenario. Mostly fun, though it would have been if Ken understood concepts like play balance so it wouldn't have been several of us running freshly rolled characters as essentially lackeys for the guy with the 5th level dwarf warrior. And T&T leveling seems to be some kind of exponential thing. And lastly was a 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons loosely based around the "Magnificent Seven". And also run loosely around the concept of using the rules for the system. Plus I don't understand why he'd make some of the bandits ogres or trolls and then just treat them like basic 2-HD at best mooks...
Old man grognards and their bitterness towards all things later edition and their creaky terrible jokes. Still I had fun and had a weekend not going to work. Which is always good...
tunnels & trolls,
card games,