May 12, 2014 18:26
And the not-yet-a-team ragtag New Warriors manage to win against the High Evolutionary and Other Dude. I'm mostly just glad to be able to see more of Manic Pixie Girl Hummingbird and her partner Ultra-Moody Scarlet Spider. Even at Marvel's stupid $4 price point...
Old Man King Conan continues his flasback tale of middle-aged Deposed Conan. This time he gets to stab a big-ass snake. As Conan is wont to do...
Grabbed the 2nd and 3rd issues of Rucka's the Veil. At the same time as the latest Fatale, which begins its final arc. If their were more than two issues to go I'd probably be dropping the former. 'Cause it doesn't measure up well...
And look Rat Queens is back already. I'm glad to see the hiatus between arcs of the best D&D comic was so short...
And a new crime/noir comic from Jason Aaron (and artist Jason Latour), Southern Bastards. I liked Scalped and its between seasons for Justified so we'll see where they're going with this for a bit...
And a pair of Adventure Time related books. Adventure Time 2014 Annual by Frank Gibson and Becky Dreistadt presents a birthday tale of Li'l Fiona. And then more of Adventure Time: Flip Side. With the Reverse Curse ravaging the Land of Oo, Monkey Wizard continues to refuse to kidnap Art Princess and runs off to be a cowboy...
marcus to,
roc upchurch,
greg rucka,
wook jin clark,
timothy truman,
sean phillips,
jason aaron,
colleen coover,
kurtis j. wiebe,
jason latour,
toni fejzula,
christopher yost,
paul tobin,
dark horse,
tomas giorello,
ed brubaker