Marvel Adventures Spider-Man: Amazing written by Paul Tobin, Pencils by Matteo Lolli & Scott Koblish, inks by Christian Dalla Vecchia, Terry Pallot, Scott Koblish and Andrew Hennessy, colors by Sotocolor, letters by Dave Sharpe
The roommate picks up the trades for the current Spider-Man books every so often. Which means I can then look over them. And they're all very..ok. Sometimes even pretty good. But they never click with me. Nice enough books, even with growing out of a stupid, stupid set-up (like a lot of Marvel books for the last 5, 6 years). But not really doing anything for me...
Unlike the Marvel Adventures version. I don't know if its Tobin's writing or the low-impact continuity. Or just the knowledge that things like Deals with the Devil (regular Marvel) or 90% of the people being total tools (Ultimate Marvel) aren't there. Probably a combination of all that. Heck the entire line essentially rebooted in the last year or so and its barely noticeable...
As to this specific volume, collecting the first four issues of the new MA Spider-Man. Its got Pete and some low-end teen dating angst and a new girlfriend character (who can talk to animals) and ninjas and cute pug dogs and an owl and the Blonde Phantom and gangsters and JJJ yelling and wraps with a nasty fight against Bullseye. Who comes off as very creepy and menacing. All in a all-ages book. Remember, Marvel Adventures where all-ages means ALL ages...