May 24, 2011 07:52
I really need to get around to picking up the Tim Powers book this one was inspired by at some point. Oh well. The latest in the PotC franchise is a welcome step-up in quality. Not a high bar from the third movie, but still a marked improvement. Mostly this is from a script, that even with four separate factions (and some with sub-factions) the story is still easy enough to follow. Various groups racing to get to the Fountain of Youth, acquiring the necessary McGuffins along the way. Depp is great here, fully recapturing the charm of Jack Sparrow. Especially as he is pretty much alone in carrying the "good" guy role for the film. But Geoffery Rush actually tops himself from the first movie I think. And who doesn't want to see Ian McShane as Blackbeard? Commie Hippies thats who...
Good flick even if not quite at the same level as the original...