Not Sunday Trade: Thor

Mar 07, 2011 07:19

Thor The Mighty Avenger written by Roger Langridge, art by Chris Samnee, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Rus Wooten

Langridge and Marvel here present a fun, main-line continuity-free re-telling of Thor. Capturing the basic elements of what makes Thor appealing. Pseudo-Norse mysticism mixed with super-hero punchery. Plus the basic Thor/Jane Foster dynamic. Here Thor is partially amnesiac, unsure of why he is on Earth but still drawn to acts of heroism. And of course still plagued by the trickery of his brother, Loki. Langridge grasps what makes Thor work and his art partners back him perfectly. Making for an enjoyable all-ages, easy entry comic. So of course its already been canceled because apparently to few people actually want that...

But that means it will be an easy series to go all completest on at least. And as a bonus, this first volume includes reprints of the original Thor stories from Journey Into Mystery #83 & 84...

marvel, comics, sunday trade, thor

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