Mar 02, 2011 20:15
A fairly heavy haul to start off a new month with over a half-dozen titles from my pull coming in. Starting with a Man-Thing centered issue of Thunderbolts with a guest appearance by sorceress Jennifer Kale who is looking to spring her old friend from the super-slammer...
Then we've got the first issue of Annihilators where the proto-team meets with a potential new member in the Space Knight Ikon. Whose timing is good since an old threat re-emerges. Also included is a "Rocket Raccoon & Groot" back-up, wonderfully drawn by Timothy Green II...
More Abnett and Lanning on Heroes for Hire with this issue concentrating on the captive Misty Knight and the VR-dreamscape the Puppetmaster is keeping her in...
And then some Avengers Academy with a brief look at some of the kids' super-hero classes, followed by a trip to Stamford...
Still Marvel, but their Icon imprint with the next Incognito: Bad Influences. Where Zak continues to try and infiltrate his old life but keeps having problems because of the whole no-longer-a-sociopath thing. Like not being able to enjoy a simple pit fight involving drugged out and cybered-up toddlers...
The Secret Six actually start a story arc thats not connected to another series. With a visit back to a certain mystic card from the first arc of the current volume...
And then a Darkwing Duck annual. First a Quackerjack tale of dolls, MMORPGs and redemption. And then a brief tale of time travel and turtles...
Finally a new issue of the Tick, with the titular hero opening a pet-sitting service for super-heroes. Which includes a pet dinosaur named Scary Chicken. And a super-caprybara named Cap'n Bara. I love Benito Cereno's gift for names...
the tick,
dan abnett,
andy lanning,
gail simone,
ed brubaker,
jeff parker