Oh man, did I buy a lot of comics this week. Plus I'm still trying to get the back issues for King City. Combined with a couple of books I was expecting last week, arriving this one. Which works out well, since I was pretty tapped out last week...
I love The Weird World of Jack Staff, but man is it a hard book to explain and sell. But as always its full of crazy awesomeness. Flaming skull head dudes. Time traveling stage magicians. Alan MooreMorlan the Mystic. And..no wait. What more could anyone want beyond Alan Fuckin' Moore as a mysterious seer?
Reading Brandon Graham's KC both showcases the similarity (especially in the heavy use of phallic imagery) in style of Orc Stain and also how Stokoe's art has its own unique weird flavor...
Savage Dragon features the return of the Deadly Duo as well as Neutron Bob when Emperor Kurr takes his violent plot to Detroit. This issue also features a weird back-up involving Powerhouse by Kiel West. Which might be the first time anyone's used ol' bird-head's normal name...
Joe Casey and Chris Burnham (who did the great
Nixon's Pals) present a one shot called Officer Downe about a seemingly unkillable ultra-violent cop who fights super-crime. I especially like the over-the-top super-gore fight against an army of track-suit ninjas...
Knights of the Dinner Table advances multiple plot lines in this month's strips. The return of Gary Jackson, part of why B.A. was such a jerk-ass last time around, Weird Pete again taking over for Nitro as GM and the Hackmaster online RPG...
Unwritten sees Tommy and Savoy wandering London following clues to find Tom's father. At the same time Lizzie is off on her own in the Victorian setting she is apparently originally form...
Ba and Moon continue their regular theme with daytripper while at the same time not having Bras make an appearance at all in the issue...
Busiek returns to Astro City with both the origin and final story of the Silver Agent in the first of two part Astro City Special: Silver Agent...
The second issue of Avengers Academy focuses on master-of-all-things Finesse. Who sort of comes off as a female Mr. Terrific if that guy had massive socialization problems...
The final issue of Girl Comics comes out, with the high point for me as always being the two page intro by Colleen Coover. The Wolverine/Jubilee story manages to be a much better way of dealing with their relationship since she was depowered then their awkwardly scripted meeting in the last New Warriors book. The bio-page for Louise Simonson is appropriately followed by a story by her where Power Pack is hired to baby-sit the baby-who-will-be-Cable by the 80s X-Factor team. And Ann Nocenti also gets a bio-page followed by her doing a short Typhoid Mary piece. Carla Speed McNeil's tale of Wolverine taking Kitty to a cape bar for her 21st birthday is visually amusing but kind of falls flat. Though at least I know who nearly everybody is in it, unlike the deadly succubus story by Kelly Sue DeConnick. I don't know, maybe its about Satanna?
Lastly we finish with part 2 of 6 of The Thanos Imperative. With Thanos and a task-force of Guardians of the Galaxy in the cancer-verse, the Nova Corps, Shi'ar and Kree (along with damn near every other interstellar power) struggle to hold the line against the creatures pouring out of the Fault. Happily some big cavalry arrives in the form of Galactus and various Celestials. Which kind of hints at how REALLY FUCKING HUGE the stakes are. When large numbers of the Cosmic Abstracts show up and just start laying waste? Thats a bad sign...