New Comics Day 5/19/10

May 20, 2010 06:58

The second issue of Girl Comics finally comes out, with a stronger set of stories I think. Though the non-humor ones are probably still the weakest. My favorite is probably "Good to be Lucky" by Kathryn Immonen and Collen Coover with a super-hero beauty saloon and Paste-Pot PeteThe Trapster...

Also from Marvel is the Galacta, Daughter of Galactus one-shot. It includes the original short story from the Assistant Editor's special as well as several pages reprinting Galacta's twitter account. Artist Sevilla meshes well with Adam Warren, especially on the cover they did together...

Jersey Gods comes to a close with its 12th issue with lots of fighting, heart break and vows of vengeancing...

The new ps238 splits its time between Moon Shadow and Ron on the Argossian home world and Julie and Emerald Gauntlet Jr learn lessons about co-operation. Or teach a lesson maybe...

Ex Machina moves ever closer to its finale with Mayor Hundred going after the alien-corrupted Suzanne...

Lastly another Knights of the Dinner Table with a break from the gaming as the Knights go after the hoard of lost dice stolen by B.A's cat. And Nitro facing an HMA trial for the WWII LARP fiasco he ran...


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