Aug 06, 2009 18:27
This week we'll keep it simple and go with a 3.x D&D Kingdoms of Kalamar character. For my first set of six stat rolls I get 14, 8, 7, 11, 9 and 15. Which would have a total bonus of 0. Below the level the rule book says to use. So reroll. 14, 12, 14, 10, 10, 11. Acceptable...
Since its for KoK, we'll go campaign specific and make a Half-Hobgoblin Infiltrator. Infiltrators are sort of spy/ranger/scouts. Half-Hobs can come from too different stocks, with either a +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Cha or +2 Con, -2 Wis. We'll go with the second...
STR: 12, DEX: 14, CON: 14+2=16, INT: 10, WIS: 11-2=9, CHA: 10
Half-Hobgoblins or sil-karg also get 60' Darkvision, a +1 Fortitude save bonus and starting languages of Kargi Hobgoblin and one of the Human dialects. For this character I'd go with Kalamarian or Merchant Tongue depending on the campaign. Favored class for Half-Hobgoblin is Fighter, so later I'd probably multi-class as an Infiltrator/Fighter...
An Infiltrator has a starting Base Attack Bonus of 0 and a Reflex save bonus of +2. For special abilities they can sneak attack for an additional +1d6 and add 10 to their Base speed. The class tends to be Chaotic, so we'll go with Chaotic Good for an alignment. Starting hit die is a d6, so with a 16 Con he'll have 9 hit points to start...
In class skills are Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Profession, Read Lips, Ride, Search, Swim, Use Rope and Wilderness Lore. Starting skill points is (4+Int bonus)x4 for 16. We'll give him 4 ranks in Hide, Listen and Move Silently and 2 ranks in Search and Wilderness Lore...
For his starting Feat, we'll go over the KoK specific ones and take Instant Stand. His B.A.B. is a +1 for melee and +2 for ranged. He has a Reflex save of +4, Fortitude of +4 and a Will save of -1. Other than starting money and then buying gear he just needs a name. Looking at the common names for Hobgoblins we'll go with Kargran. As a half-breed I don't think he'd get a surname...