May 13, 2009 20:11
My Delano written comic with lesbian pirates was not at the shop. I'm a little sad about that. Sure I can look around and find it elsewhere or online I guess. Still. No lesbian pirates today...
Of course I DO get Lockjaw & the Pet Avengers. Lockjaw recruits Falcon's Falcon, Kitty's dragon, Speedball's cat, the new Frog Thor (with origin story drawn by Colleen Coover) and Ms. Lyon's Aunt May's dog. And together they go forth to reclaim the missing Infinity Gems. Starting in the Savage Land. Greatest Comic or GREATEST COMIC?
Also from Marvel this week is War of Kings: Ascension. Chris tries to fight his way back into control of Darkhawk. While Talon and Razor steal the Cosmic Control Rod and go have a meeting with King Blastaar. You know what "War of Kings" needs? Doom. Abnett & Lanning should have found a way to steal Dr. Doom away from the stupid "Dark Reign" stuff. Because Doom in Space vs. Vulcan/Shi'ar vs. Black Bolt/Inhumans/Kree vs. Blastaar/Negative Zone vs. Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Nova Corps? AWESOME TO THE NTH DEGREE...
Next we have Jack Staff. Holy shit. Really? New Jack Staff? SWEEEEET! Oh and several plot lines wrap up and intersect and stuff...
Savage Dragon continues to hound the Vicious Circle in the hunt for his kids. And he's joined by the classic, boomerang slingin' Daredevil...
With a president's life and the fate of the world on the line The Umbrella Academy: Dallas draws to a close. Come back soon Mr. Way...
The Great Fables Crossover continues in Fables with Jack reaching the Farm and taking advantage of the grief-stricken Rose Red and the new Cult of Boy Blue...
And Gail Simone turns out a Battle for the Cowl tie-in that is both enjoyable and fits the characters, as Catman, Bane and Ragdoll take a job in Gotham where they kill lots of people. For the children. Because, dammit, someone has to be thinking of the children in this dark time of No Batman...
And we finish up with the 150th issue of Knights of the Dinner Table. Close to triple the normal number of strip pages. Plus Dawg: The Rpg, with the "Casting Call", "All Things Magic", "Rustlers of the Night" and "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" articles written for the game. Plus a "Fuzzy Knights" strip, some Brothers Grinn and the regular assortment of articles...