Aug 30, 2011 13:47
i fyl lyk no1 gets me cuz i have no boyfreind yet n im alrdy lyk seventeeen. i dunno wat my friends talk aboyt cuz i never done those stuff yet n i try sososo hard 2 make myself pretty like i tease my hair n wer make-up n dress proply n i feel so alone. i cant consintraite on things that i gotta on school like maths (like i got a quiz 2morow dint study fo it yet!!!!!!) i also dont get what wer studying rite nao. like why do i nyd to no aout matrices and algebra WHEN am i gunna use dem?! THe teachers probably laugh t me behind my back when eever I ans. and my classmates 2. my grads r fallin n i havint FALLEN for that speciul som1 evry1 sez im gunna soon but it aint happened yet. no1getsmeeee not my friends. not my parents. im so alone. lifes so hard rite now cuz i cant accept myself for hu i m!!!! peiple dont like to listen to Me speak and i fyl so wortless @ this point. iunno its liek dis: my friends have boyfrends and i dont, i want 1, my grades r falling, my parrent s get madder at me 4 dat n i feel by myself. duno how2 git a boyfrien bcuz im so scard of bing alone so idk... iim old alrdy. dis boyfriend thing s like afecteng my life bcuz i cant sleep bcuz of it!!!!!! V___V;;
i have no boyfriend.........
my schools gunna kick me out.........
some1 help.............?!
my emo life