Fullmetal Alchemist: The Legend of the Next Generation

Sep 09, 2013 22:25

Sign of good world building: Even if the main cast's storylines all get wrapped up, there's still so much out there: politics, culture, the long-term effects of changes made during the story. I keep wondering how the Ishvalan repatiration will affect the rest of Amestris, and when Roy will become president, and what will he do once he reaches his endgame and exposes the horrifying details of the 1908 Ishvalan genocide campaign? Will he and Hawkeye be put on trial? Will they survive? Are they married yet? If not, why? *ahem* Anyway . . .

Does Amestris have any organized religions? No one in the series is religious at all (not even Rose after the first two chapters), and the only religions ever mentioned are Cornello's cult of Leto (did he invent that god or have Amestrians worshipped it in the past?) and Ishvala-worship, which seems confined to a small ethnic minority. It seems like there's kind of a religious vacuum in Amestris as of 1915.

I like thinking about what effects a revitalized Ishvalan population might do for Amestris. For one, Resembool isn't some backwater end-of-the-line village anymore, it's one stop away from Ishval (once the military lays the tracks and builds a station, that is). The manga did a little more to highlight Resembool as a small town that had just started to thrive and grow when the rebels bombed the train station near the end of the war. After the war, many local conscripts were dead or too badly wounded to work full-time, creating a lasting economic depression. Hopefully, the influx of people into Ishval will bring new interest and fresh blood to Resembool as well. (I like to think that it becomes a boomtown. The wool trade picks up, factory owners start building textile mills, and they start building a tiny little urban center.)

Also, I imagine there will be quite a few Ishvalans who will want to be reunited with their kinsmen, but won't feel comfortable going back to the place they saw so many loved ones brutally killed. I hope that "Little Ishvals" pop up in cities all over the southeast.

Which brings me back to the religious vacuum thing: If the rest of Amestris has more contact with Ishvalans and they start conversing and exchanging ideas, I can picture so many young white Amestrians being attracted to the Ishvalan religion. I mean, what culture wouldn't benefit from the introduction of a few more Goddess-worshiping, nature-loving hippies?

Also, I'm trying really hard to overcome my judgy disdain of fanfiction, because at this point I'm ready to break down and just start writing about the adventures of Ed and Winry's children.

fullmetal alchemist, fma, fanfic, thinky thoughts

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