Post-Apocalype Medieval Spitefic Starring OCs

May 30, 2012 03:12

So, somewhere in all this, I ended up buying pathfinder.

I think my epic "Shapeshifter girl teams up with human guy to uncover lost knowledge, rediscover/invent science, and bring shifter and human societies together to wipe out the sparklepires" has a long way to go, and may only be told withing the confines of my gaming group (once I find or assemble one, that is).

I've always loved drawing maps, and I love thinking up cities and countries. I'm brand-new to pen-and-paper RPGs (and have finished exactly 1 PC RPG in my life, and that was on easy mode, as a Jedi weaponmaster), but it's really fun dangling plot hooks around and seeing which get a bite. I'm still adjusting, and getting me out of the house is a crapshoot, so so far it's just been me and (to a lesser extent) my sister. It's been fun. My player's guide is arriving tomorrow, I can finally roll up my special snowflake of a character, and if I miss a bunch of rules and fudge the dice in the player's favor sometimes, nobody's going to complain.

It's been great fun. I'll write a page of backstory, and la soeur will write a page of her chick lit, and then we'll swap and concrit for each other.

Between this and our upcoming The Notebook/Die Hard double feature (for les recherches), it's looking to be a fun weekend.
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