Sportingness Ranting

May 07, 2009 08:31

I love my football, and I love to see the English/Scottish teams do well against Johnny Foreigner, but I was disgusted at the antics of the Chelsea players after the match with Barcelona.  Yes, the referee did not have the best of games, but a couple of the Chelsea players were lucky to still be on the pitch after their protests.  Drogba and Terry showed themselves to be spoiled brats with no self-control whatsoever.  They lost.  Suck it up, put on a brave face and shake hands with the opposition.  That's what good sportsmen do.  Not behave like toddlers in the supermarket told that they can't have sweets.  Bullying the referee to the extent that security guards were needed and then trying to push said guards out of the way to get at the ref is not going to change the result.

I never support the team playing against an English team in European competitions, but this made me glad that Barcelona won.


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