The Rant and then Some

Nov 03, 2004 22:38

I would like to say the elections bring out the best in everyone; but much to my dismay it seems as if the political debate brings out the worst in everyone. I’ve never seem more narrow-minded, self centered, and ungrateful people speak the way they do until the elections came and went. No one is happy they are living in America where they can do the things they can do, I for one am proud of the capitalist society we live in and how moderately well we do seem to govern ourselves.

A Few months ago if you would of asked me if I was going to vote, I would of shrugged my shoulders and asked you with a rude tone "why?" However, since I met Autumn my political agenda has changed slightly, but my overall ugly view on politics has solidified even more.

I’ve seen people make up excuses on why “their” party did not win or why there candidate was caught up in some huge scandal. I’ve seen people throw mud at each other because “there side is right” (since naturally bush won by a “land slide”). To all of these people I would like to say there is two sides to every story and there is two sides to every book. Neither is completely correct, but both need to be there in order to have something finished and whole. This country would be a dictatorship if it wasn’t run this way. I have my views on abortion, religion, and the war. Just because I have a strong opinion on my views does not give me the right to say their views don’t matter. Since it seemed the United States was pretty split in half this election (Bush just barley made that leap with Ohio).

I’ve become so irritated with these narrow-minded people and their fales accusations, who exploit people and twist facts around to make their side seem more accommodating, where if they would just take sometime and think about it they might actually fathom up a conclusion which would be more applicable then their first presumption. Instead of leaving me stupified by the incompetence to see the whole picture.

I voted for Bush and I’m proud of it, but if Kerry would of one I would of congratulated the winner and steadfast through these four years with a president I did not see as eye to eye with as Bush. Kerry wasn’t a horrible man nor did he seem like a “Hitler”, but all I’m saying is neither candidate is a catastrophic catastrophe, but two sides of the same coin.

….Alright sorry about that guys, but I had to get what I wanted to say out there or I was going to explode. The last few days have been a little awkward. For starters, I thought I might have had cancer, but it turned out to be a hernia. I’m going to be going into surgery after my doctor checks me out again. I’ve never been so scared in my life, to think for a few days I did not know what was happening with my body was a very scary feeling. I’m just happy I have such great friends and a wonderful girl friend. I know that if anything would ever happen to me, I would always have a face to turn to. Life is just so unpredictable every now and then, while other times it’s another day living in a monotonous society (I’m so thankful I have a twist everyday, so that no day is ever just “another day”…Autumn.).

On a lighter note we should be going to Kai’s party on Friday, which gives me something to look forward too. I hope to see my friends there again, just like I did for the Halloween party. I’ll see you all then.
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