My alarm clock is set to AM640 here in Atlanta, which is the local right wing talk station. I set it to that particular station because there's no way I can sleep soundly through Rush Limbaugh. I am forced to get up and angrily turn the alarm clock off.
Maybe it's a bad idea to wake up screaming "what a fucking IDIOT!" everyday, but if it was simply music, I might sleep through it.
Anyway, to my point....I am so so stoked that the NUTjob right wingers are splintering over the issue of
John McCain's level of conservatism. It's amazing to me that anyone would catorgorize "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" McCain as a liberal, but all the nutjob crazy radio talkers basically equate McCain to Hillary. This is enough proof to me that these people are fucking INSANE. I mean, i knew they were idiots before, but this is just icing on the cake. God, if McCain is a liberal, I'd hate to see who would qualify as "conservative enough" to those douchetrucks. I don't think that even zombie Reagan would fit their current criteria. Hell, they don't even like Mike Huckabee, who wants to change to constitution so that it more closely matches the bible. C-R-A-Z-Y.
I'm happy to hear that the nutjobs are on the ropes!