What is the value of popular history?

Dec 14, 2008 19:43

I'm doing Extension History, and the whole premise of the course is "What is History?"

Basically, we're allowed to chose any topic in history we want. I've chosen to examine the historical accuracy of The da Vinci Code. My question I've come up with is "What is the Value of Popular History?

Popular history can be defined as being sensationalised media coverage, novelisation, fictionalisation or being made into a film, i.e. The da Vinci Code, National Treasure, Troy, 300. You get the point.

Basically, I'd love for you to comment here about how you feel watching historical films.

Why do you watch them?

What entices you to go see them, or to read a book about history?

Why not read history itself?

Do you learn anything from them?

Do you accept what you see as true? Why/Why not?

I realise it's a rather boring topic, but I'm finding it incredibly illuminating. I'm actually going to read the Bible. I have to, to doible check referrences to Jesus' divinity. I think it will be rewarding.

school, school: extension history

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