Analysis "Brave Heart"

Oct 27, 2009 22:20

There are two interwoven themes in "Brave Heart": Miscommunication-or rather missed opportunities to communicate-and how much braveness of heart is needed (and not always found) to try and break the cancerous silence.

I'm right here... )


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lilapaddy October 27 2009, 23:03:40 UTC
Always anticipation. I love Lawrence Kaplow's episodes, I really do. Character-wise, the man can do no wrong. He was one of the first writers and has not been with "House" for all of its six seasons, making his POV both fresher and more nostalgic (or at least hearkening back to the golden age of the show) than some newer writers (Eli Attie, who IMHO writes the worst House/Wilson interactions on the show, comes to mind).

Anyway, back to your analysis. Three things: I think that it makes some good points but doesn't go far enough with them, and it could be a lot shorter and more readable. You structure it like a high school essay, but your thoughts are first-rate and deserve sharper focus than the formal tone gives them.

I want to hear more of how you think this is going to go in the future or what it means for the development of the characters and less rehashing of the show itself, although your parenthetical comments on House and Wilson's tones are superb.


idonmatrix October 28 2009, 01:34:55 UTC
I found the anlaysis to be well-written and accessible for the causal viewer whichis always noce :)

I did want more in terms of a deeper analysis of each scene but maybe it's better to start at the surface and wait for others like us to go a little deeper which I plan to do right now :)


luridlurker October 29 2009, 22:18:21 UTC
M.E.W.: Yes, exactly! It's boring when there's nothing left that might be added. Then there wouldn't be any discussion either. :)


luridlurker October 29 2009, 22:14:51 UTC
M.E.W.: Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for your constructive criticism as well as your kind words! What we intend to do is indeed write somewhat "formal" analyses of the episodes (there're many journalistic reviews online already) as well as rehashing them to a certain point. Now that the episodes have just aired, everybody remembers them perfectly well, of course, but later it might be a welcome place to refresh one's memory.
Speculating (too much) about how the show might continue could annoy fans who don't want to be spoiled… ("Ausiello Files" anyone?) Taking a closer look at the subtext that is definitely there is fun, but what H/W fans long to see will never happen in canon anyway. That's what fan fiction is for! :)


lilapaddy October 29 2009, 22:32:21 UTC

Hmm. I guess these analyses aren't what I expected, then, given that they're posted on the H/W community. As for what will happen in canon, my mileage varies completely, and I have pretty high hopes that the show can surprise even the most hardened shippers.


luridlurker October 29 2009, 22:49:56 UTC
M.E.W.: I do hope that you're right and that we won't be disappointed in the end!


luridlurker October 30 2009, 06:36:30 UTC
LL: There is speculating and speculating, you know. One based on what is actually there, and one what we *want* to be there. The episode has already rather strong subtext, H/W subtext, so any analysis of the episode is by definition already about H/W. But to see more into it than there is and gushing about it -that's not *analyzing* an episode. That's what you'll find in the comments of any published promo shot! :-)
Sorry if we disappointed your expectations and sorry that you think we should not publish it here.


lilapaddy October 30 2009, 15:44:50 UTC
I'm not telling you what to write or where to post it! But I do have to point out that there is such a thing as analyzing from a H/W perspective, not gushing, and remaining interesting and relevant. See for what I mean.


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