Yup, I do have to go to work today. ^^;
@ 5:00pm to be exact. I -just- found this out haha
That's not too bad =^^= I still have no idea when I get out... but it can't be no later than 9:15-ish so 4 hours is nice. Akward timing because I'll have to be up later than usual to get homework finished. I'm soo glad I only have 4 classes; 4 classes that I love =^^=
My birthday is the 23rd of this month... wooooow
So soon ^.^
I'm currently highly considering getting this cell phone.....
Whatcha think?
It's the Motorola V300
The plan is $50.00 a month... (including unlimied nights and weekends, unlimited txt msging, 600 day time min. + other stuffs) Hmmmmmm...... The site says the phone is free... I'm looking for the 'catch' but I can't seem to find it O.o''
If I get that I can't get new shoes.... derp
Maybe Dad and/or Mom will help out ^-^
Oh la la la... once again my mind is running blaaaaank Guess that means I should end haha
So! That I shall do