Kiss Me

Sep 04, 2004 22:03

"The sun its self sees not 'till Heaven clears"

Think about it.

Allow me to talk about my uber fun work day =^^=
A customer taught me how to line dance! (sorta)
And I conversated with a lady who works with wild animals down in Plymoth. I'm going to talk to my Vet Tech teacher about it and maybe we'll be able to take a field trip down there to learn about the wild animals!

Tyson called me babe O.o''

I -don't- like Sandy (one of my managers) *gr*

I figure I should talk about the huge change I went though in the past 9 mo. I really re-discovered myself. There was so much I held myself back from. Things like Love and hardcore Dreams. I've always been pretty much at least content the last 3/4 years of my life. Though I can't say that during that time I apprecited all that I had. I had everything anyone could ever ask for; a magnificent boyfriend, a unique and great family altogether, wonderful friends, and just one amazing future in front of me. And I just didn't appreciate it so much. Don't get me wrong. I was more than happy to have everything that was there for me, but truly being able to love it was another story. I nearly litterally didn't believe in such a thing. I was a realist, or at least I gradually became one. I became one (a realist) when I didn't know how to handle my feelings. I feared commitment aswell. I didn't know love.

Now; I'm a dreamer who realizes if I want something bad enough I can get it. In order to want something bad enough you must first know how to love. So... I went on a journey.

Once my journey was over... I thought. And thought. I'm now no longer afraid of commitment. I'm no longer foregin to love. I feel it all over me. Don't get me wrong. I'm still me. But I realized there is one feeling I can't control; and I thought I could control all my feelings. I can't control my love towards Graham. Nothing and noone stands in my way. It's almost like if someone tried to take a baby away from it's mother. If it's in the best interests for the child, the mother will GREATLY reluctantly give the child up, but if the mother knows that her home is best for her child she will fight 'till death or near death for the sake of her baby. She will do all she can.

It's the kind of love I have now. I see the wonderful side of everything and I walk away from the negitive. I DO NOT ignore negitivity I just choose not to associate myself towards or with those who will only bring me down.

None of this is coming out right O.o''

I'll retype later ^^;;

Better sleep soon

BTW... this lady came in today from Hong Kong... she had on the KYUTEST shirt... that she bought from Hong Kong... darn it... America needs kewl clothes like that!

Yours Truly,
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