Sep 05, 2005 21:05
Well, I havent exactly updated because I really have nothing important to say. School actually issnt that bad, josh is an ass, Kari hardly hangs around, Brent hurt his knee. Same old same old, I feel bad for Brent, it really looks like it hurts. And I dont think they know how exactly to fix it. Kari, well, she ignores us completely unless it is lunch time. Than we are the greatest thing ever, I dunno maybe I am just being tempermental but whatever. Lets see, I need to go buy some shit for foods tomorrow, turns out one of the dudes in our group cant copya recipe from a book so now I doubt we will all be able to be in the same group. I am not to happy about it but okay. Nuffin else going on, I miss all the poeple I used to talk to a lot during the summer, specifically Alex. But okay, I guess. My car broke down and I cant gfet it fixed until I get the money together. My mom says she is gonna by me a car but by the time she finds one she likes, I will be able to fix the grand prix and it is all gonna be for nothing. Another reason why she frigging pisses me off.