Okay I was talking to Miek and he gave me this from another LJ. It is a song about a fetus...
I guess it is supposed to be an anti-abortion thing. But it is just scary, what the hell, I have no idea why someone would want to make this. It is -christian- so before you go on listen
http://www.showandtellmusic.com/pages/galleries/gallery_l/lilmarkie.html Pretty fucked up aint it? That is liek screwy, it made me sad, I am not anti-abortion and I am not pro-abortion. I have no stance but I am anti-whoever made this. This is truly messed up, I have to change it right now. I mean this is christian, a little extreme arent we? I am gonna complain to them and let them know that is royally fucked up and that they shouldnt post it on there. Cause that is just... ugh. I mean I jknow some messed up people but even they wouldnt write that.
He even has a disclaimer, what kind fo music has disclaimers? The messed up kind. Now I must warn you it is sad and it makes me mad more than anything else.
Been meaning to add this for a looong time now, so here ya go:
I try to keep this site friendly to newcomers as well as seasoned collector types. I'm way closer to a newcomer and it would be silly for me to posture as an expert in any way, shape or form. A lot of the time when I am posturing like an expert (laugh), the info is based more on a collective body of knowledge passed around between various lifelong fans and enthusiasts than anything else. Half the time I'm just winging it.
Unlike a lotta OG, broken back, been-diggin-since-the-'60s collectors, us new-fangled kids have the internet to kinda speed things along. The amount of info on obscure musics on the web makes for an untypically accelerated education and the abundance of online mail-order businesses make "the hunt" go a whole lot faster than it used to.
I regard the original collectors of all this stuff very highly. The people responsible for getting material like Bruce Haack and Raymond Scott's early electronic music, the Shaggs original recordings, the Martin Denny catalogue, etc., etc. released and available to the public are heroes to me and I would never in a million, billion years know the stuff I know, or have heard the stuff I've heard, were it not for them. I've included a handful of little-known LPs, but am quick to remind people that I don't "discover" records in the sense that I take any credit for them (I didn't write them, produce them, play on them, etc., so how could I?).
Finally, my own write-ups are all to be taken with a grain of salt. I am not a music critic (hell, I can barely write!), and often my own taste doesn't reflect common consensus. This is my site about the things I've found so far that I think are interesting. If you miss out on something cool because you read here it wasn't, well, your blowing it. Chances are my musical background isn't the same as yours either, so more than likely were coming at this stuff from different angles (here's a quick list of my Desert Island picks for reference and amusement - you might be surprised).
The information provided here is to my knowledge correct but I can't claim 100% accuracy on any of it. It's important for me to provide verified information, but often very, very little is known about these old recordings. Many of them were recorded 30 to 50 years ago, and in a lotta cases the artist in no longer around to fill in any blanks.
That's it for now. Just felt I had to make that stuff clear. If I think of anything else I'll