kink meme 002 [july-september]

Jul 06, 2010 19:27

This is the kink meme/prompt post for the months of July through September. Jump the cut for full details, and get into the fun!

This is a regular meme! So, if you're familiar with them, feel free to just skip all of this and get to it! If you're not quite sure, read the fine print! ↓

What is this?
A kink meme is a very simple thing. Users post short ideas or prompts, and writers can pick them up and write the fic. If your fic is short enough, it can be posted directly in the comments to the prompt you choose. If it gets long, you can post a link to it. Either way, always remember to reply to the prompter, to let them know you've written their idea! If you don't, no one will ever know about it!

Prompts should look like this:
(plot point/activity/idea - prefered rating)
Luke and Reid spend the day at a carnival - rated PG
The boys go swimming in a lake - rated NC-17

Ratings are not required, but keep in mind that what may be an innocent or porny idea to you, may come off entirely opposite to someone else, and your fill may not be quite what you'd intended!

If, by chance, any of you are brave enough to risk prompting for a threesome, obviously remember to state that you want that! You'd think this would be very obvious, but trust me, it happens. In the case of prompts like that, always put the characters first. Keep in mind that both Luke and Reid must be present in every fic, all the time.

(characters - plot point/activity/idea - prefered rating)
Luke/Reid/Noah - Turns out, Luke's not the only man Reid has feelings for - Rated PG-13
Luke/Reid/Katie - Sharing an apartment can be interesting - Rated NC-17
(Yeah I know, I grossed out even myself with that last example prompt, XD)

Quick Rules!
# Annonymous commenting is on, but not required to be used.
# All prompts must include both Luke and Reid.
# Please make good use of the subject line while posting fills.
# It's likely that a lot of material here will contain adult content, you are warned.
# Yep, sometimes people have crazy ideas. We don't pay them any disrespect! You don't like what they say, you move on.
# Multiple fills are welcomed.
# All genres will be accepted! Smut, crack, AU, RPS, Het... okay no... not het. XD


kink meme: 002

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