Prompt: Reid turns to alcoholism.

Oct 20, 2010 22:51

Reid never came to Oakdale but, for whatever reason, had his medical license revoked (unjustly so, of course).  That's what sends him into his downward spiral since all he is is a doctor.  Basically Luke turns out to be his substance abuse counselor and that's how they get to know each other.  We see Reid in both group and single therapy sessions.  Luke came to Dallas to start fresh.  I think they should resist each other a lot but eventually act on it.  When they act on it (which can be anywhere from a kiss to sex) Luke feels extremely guilty and almost has a relapse.  I like the idea of hurt!Reid needing Luke's help, who is struggling with his own demons.  Oh, and Luke eventually convinces Reid to fight to get his license back. 


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