Index tags

Oct 22, 2010 19:41

So, here is the long list of index tags I have so far

Cut for length )

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alissablue October 23 2010, 05:10:40 UTC
Wow, that's a loooooooong and awesome list XD.

I've actually got a few more:
Alcoholism/Drunk!Luke (Fics that deal with Luke's drinking)
Collaboration (For any fic written by multiple authors)
First ILY
First kiss
OC (Original Character, for fics where either of the boys date an original character, like Reid/Matt in Always Attract (stl29tide)
Triangle fic (For fics that are specifically about the LuRe/Nuke triangle)
And perhaps Pre-canon, one for fics, where Luke and Reid meet or fall in love at a different time in canon, like in Mech_Bull's Consult-verse, Always Attract, Bulletproof (Blasthisass), Save Me (Slayerkitty) etc.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 05:36:54 UTC
These are great! *adding*


I've got Luke/Other and Reid/Other, should we have Luke/OC, Reid/OC as well, or instead of? Also, should we have a tag just for significant OC, even if they're NOT dating one of the two?

For Pre-Canon, I was trying to figure out if those would be AU or Extreme AU, but I really think Pre-Canon is an even better tag. But: Would we also tag those AU or Extreme AU?

I am selfishly gleeful to be infecting others with my obsession. :-)


alissablue October 23 2010, 06:07:38 UTC
I'm thinking Luke/Other or Reid/Other would be fine, with a seperate OC-tag, if the "Other" is an OC, or if the OC plays a significant role. Always Attract would get tags like OC (For Matt) ánd Reid/Other (for Reid/Matt)???

Pre-Canon would also be AU, or Extreme AU, but Pre-canon would specifically refer to fics that incorporate canon like the fics I mentioned. A Pre-canon (and AU) fic like Bulletproof (with Reid as Luke's doctor, when Canon!Luke got shot) would be different from an AU (But not Pre-Canon) fic like 'A time to love' (with Reid as Luke's biology teacher) by Spice_sprinkles.

Oh, I LOVE this XD.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 16:55:55 UTC
That totally makes sense!


alissablue October 23 2010, 17:13:06 UTC
Before we all start indexing the fics, we should maybe write a post with all the tags and their explanation. Just to make it clear that everyone's on the same page.

And, gosh, all these questions keep popping up XD. Would a tag like 'Thanksgiving' apply to a multichapter-fic with a Thanksgiving chapter (and then link to the specific chapter, although that would take a lot of work XD) or would that tag refer to a fic that's specifically about Thanksgiving (Like a oneshot, where Luke and Reid eat Thanksgiving dinner)?

Maybe multichapter fics should just get the tags that apply to the entire story and significant events, whereas oneshots or fics with less than 10 chapters could be tagged more specifically?

But I am absolutely loving this XD.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 17:36:52 UTC
Our minds are as one ( ... )


alissablue October 23 2010, 22:34:31 UTC
I'm thinking that we were separated at birth...

Just linking to that specific chapter would definitely work^^.

So the different communities would also have different entries?

I'm not sure about the month-tags. I think folks would want that. But, imo, I think it would be useful for oneshots, but not necessarily for multichapter-fics. Although, with WIP's and Multichapter-fics, we could also just put the date behind the fic title, like:
Author - Title - Rating - WIP (July 2010-???)
And when it's completed:
Author - Title - Rating - (July 2010 - September 2010)

And we'd have to update the library every single month, check out the WIP's and the new oneshots XD.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 23:11:33 UTC
Yep, yep, yep! *nods*

I'm thinking if we figure out how to do it right, posts tagged as multi-chapter fics will be the ones we update? (with dates and WIP or completed). And once a month, an info dump of the new stories in index posts.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 17:41:06 UTC

I'm also thinking we would have to have a warning post once a month that we were about to dump index posts in the comm for anyone who has it on their friends' list? Which then leads to the question of, should this really just be a resource comm, that no one would want on their friends list because of volume of posts (once a month), but would want to just go to to find fics?

Or do we want to also have community participation, so this would be a place to ask (after searching) what was that one? And maybe we could have rec posts on themes; like, everyone rec their favorite fic on a theme, and then members could vote and then (I don't know what happens after that)? Or author interviews?

I'm thinking this is turning into a new post. :b


alissablue October 23 2010, 22:41:28 UTC
A warning post would work. Maybe people should put it on their friends' list, but not on their list to watch?

I think community participation would be better. We could put up a few masterposts, where people would be able to ask questions and one that would explain ALL the tags, so everyone is on the same page. And community participation would be useful, because people would be able to post new fic-links in another masterpost, with all the tags for their story. That would save us some time.

I think it would be fun to make it more interactive, but we should index everything first and then make it more glamorous, lol.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 23:09:02 UTC
I totes agree! I'm thinking people who don't want to play indexer may want to run like hell for a month or so, as tags won't pull up much to start, and then there will be info dumps of posts. But I'm kind of thinking, once we get caught up, we could index through the month in our obsessive corner of choice, just do a warning post and an info dump once a month, and then the rest of the month could be community participation time.


pghbekka October 23 2010, 17:50:26 UTC
And in my third crazy long response re: intro posts. I'm thinking we should do links from the user info page to a post on tags and explanations and a post on structure.

Depending on who all wants to join me in the crazy indexing project, I'm wondering if, going forward, maybe each of us would just pick a set of tags to index? Like for November, I would index tags A-F for the communities, you could index tags G-L, someone else would index M-R, some one else S-X (or however they divide?) I JUST DON'T KNOW!

But I love infecting others with my OCD! :b


alissablue October 23 2010, 22:51:51 UTC
OCD!Me is having the time of her life, lol.

BUT I JUST DON'T KNOW EITHER. Maybe we should find out first who wants to help with the indexing project and then decide how we're gonna do it, depending on how many people are willing to index the fics.

And maybe, two people can be assigned the same month, but different communities? For instance, I, personally don't really hang out at LRonline, but basically stalk browse through the LuRe-LJ all the time. So I'm familiar with the majority of the LJ-fics, but not the LRonline fics. Someone else could index the LRonline fics of "my" month and we could compare the lists and choose one community for cross-posted fics.

Or two people per month, both communities, one for A-M and the other for N-Z?

There are so many ways to do this XD!


pghbekka October 23 2010, 23:05:05 UTC
Right! A lot of it is dependent on how many of us want to be OCD indexers! :-)

I think four of us would be enough for the indexing part, but we'll have to see!


alissablue October 23 2010, 16:51:39 UTC
I also came up with an add-on:
Maybe we could add 'Married' to the Proposal/Wedding one? Like: Proposal/Wedding/Married, for fics where one of the guys proposes, the boys are engaged or already married? Just get it all in one tag XD.



pghbekka October 23 2010, 16:57:40 UTC


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