Warning! Post flood

Nov 02, 2010 09:23

Hi all! This is just a warning post to let everyone know I'll be flooding the community with the first index posts (fics from March and start of April) this evening, probably about 8 pm EST ( Read more... )

!warning post, !mod post

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Bekka's crazy long answer pghbekka November 3 2010, 23:53:02 UTC
OK, I think I figured out my LRO toughts on this. Indexers will pick a month in EITHER lure_atwt or LRO. LRO indexers can contact me for a list and links. I should also be able to work this into a master lists for author and title. I experimented with April today, and it didn't take me too long to just do a list of each author title, month started and link for each community, and then I cross referenced. So lure_atwt indexers could start now, LRO indexers could start probably by end of next week. This would make a few changes in your most fabulous indexing how to post but not many. I'm hoping to get a new pimping post up tomorrow night in LRO, lure_atwt and sign up post here. I know you said you'd do September and your fics for August. If you want to do September for both, I can always just get you the list of LRO by end of next week. I'm planning on doing up through May in both (December's a light month for me).
So the sign up will be: Indexing your own fics, June (lure_atwt), June (LRO), July (lure_atwt), July (LRO), August (lure_atwt), August (LRO), October (lure_atwt), October (LRO).


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 4 2010, 13:36:29 UTC
Indexers will pick a month in EITHER lure_atwt or LRO.
Okay, sounds like a plan^^. But we have to be really careful and make sure cross posted fics don't get double posted. Or would we just tell them that they'd have to check their month tag first, to see which fics have already been indexed?

I know you said you'd do September and your fics for August. If you want to do September for both, I can always just get you the list of LRO by end of next week.
Hmmmm... I think I'd rather stick to LuRe_atwt and if there aren't enough LuRe_atwt indexers, I'll take another month. December isn't exactly gonna be a light month for me XD.

I'm gonna make a sticky post with important links on the "recent entries" page. The tag-post and Indexing-post both got pushed down by the more recent entries XD.


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer pghbekka November 4 2010, 15:10:30 UTC
RE: lure_atwt vs. LRO. That's why LRO indexers will contact me for the list, because I'm being all anal about it. :-)

Re: September. Totally makes sense to do just one community for a month. March fics were really light, but there are 76 total from the communities for April. And the further we go, the more multi-chapter fics there are.

I'm almost done with ditzybea's fic (the first fic ever, OMG), so I'm hoping I've done well and it can serve as a good example of indexing multichapters.

Sorry the sticky post didn't work, but I love the blurb! And you do have the tags explanation and How-to in the links, which is totally awesomesauce 4EVAH! I tried changing the date on the index tag post so it would stay at the top, but apparently it only works if you change the date before you first post it, and not when you edit. Ah, well!


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 4 2010, 15:22:27 UTC
I tried changing the date for the indexing post too, but that didn't work either. BIG COMMUNITY FAIL.

Yeah, I was going through the LuRe_atwt archive and there were SO many entries posted during June to September!!! So those months are gonna take a lot of time.

Oh, and I had a question about Au!Early: Is every fic Au!Early now (as in November) if it was written before Reid's death? Like, a fic written in July about their first time? That would be tagged as Au!Early, right? Seeing as the LuRe sex obviously never happened XD.


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer pghbekka November 4 2010, 15:40:30 UTC
Re: au!early. I think au!early will always just be fics posted before August, when they actually started dating. Anything using canon August till before the trainwreck and then veering off would be au!general if it's not fix it or gapfiller. Anything fixing the trainwreck would be fanon tags. Does this make sense? Cause I could just be babbling? :-)


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 4 2010, 21:03:23 UTC
Okay, so:
Au!Early = Anything written before they actually started dating, if the fic took a different direction than canon?
Example: Stay Lucky

Au!Pre-canon = Canon!Reid meets Canon!Luke somewhere before January 2010.
Examples: Bulletproof, Save Me, Consult-verse

Au!general = Anything written about their canon relationship (before the trainwreck), that isn't a gapfiller or fix it. Also refers to fics, where Luke and Reid meet under different circumstances than canon and fics where Canon!Reid might have a kid or something?
Examples: Avery, Maya, Attached, Always Attract, Fics about their first time, fics where canon!Luke and Canon!Reid say ILY under different circumstances etc.

Au!Extreme = No canon at all.
Examples: A time to love, Boyfriends, A match for the times, Trust me etc.

Fanon = fixing the trainwreck? So pretending like it didn't happen (Like, TWT?) or fics where Reid did get hurt, but survived?

Am I close?


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer pghbekka November 4 2010, 21:31:01 UTC

Also, fanon has several different categories, # fanon!dwd, # fanon!other, # fanon!twt, # fanonf!cwcoymtdgw (The last one I think only has like one or two fics, I just think it's funny when Chris gets killed off - not that I'm still bitter or anything.

So fanon!other would be like Raise Up, Heart and Found, where they die but come back to life, or bluemirror's Rewrite on LRO, where the soap character they're watching dies, but Reid is just fine.

Also, indigo5 found a really cool way to do an advanced tag search that she explained in the index tags post, I'm not sure if we know anyone with the tech savvy to make it a user friendly feature, but it's totally awesome!


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 4 2010, 22:00:22 UTC
Fanon!dwd = Fics where Reid did get hit by that damn train, but survived?

Fanon!twt = Fics where the trainwreck didn't happen at all, Reid picked up the heart and went home to fuck Luke, Chris didn't get sick at all, etc.?

fanon!cwcoymtdgw is pretty obvious XD.

fanon!other = Reid dies, but comes back? Isn't fanon!other the same as fix it fic, then?

I just checked out the tags entry and that advanced tag-thingie is AWESOME XD. But, yeah, we need to find a way to make it user friendly, lol.

I'm also going back and forth on the sympathetic!Noah tag... I think, for now, a Character bashing tag is enough, because fics with the character: noah-tag, without the character bashing: noah-tag, will already refer to fics where Noah is fairly neutral or likeable.


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer pghbekka November 5 2010, 02:44:17 UTC
Right to all of these! And right to fanon!other, but I think it indexes as well as fixit fic. Because fixit fic can apply to any other situation in canon up to the death, fanon!other would refer specifically to endgame trainwreck canon. Or am I getting too over-indexy?

Re: Character bashing. I agree and I think indigo5 does too. Mainly, I keep going back and forth on character bashing, SPECIFICALLY for Noah, because what's bashing and what's just him being a jerk in canon and in character. I kind of want to convene a panel of lure_atwt members people we know like Noah and have THEM decide on whether the tag should be used. And then I started getting silly as I went down this path.


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 5 2010, 09:20:44 UTC
Yeah, the thing with Noah's kind of... tricky. Because there are a lot of fics where he's being a jerk, but not necessarily being bashed or written out of character...

I just. Do. Not. Know.

And now I'm also going back and forth on the fanon!other/fix it fic debate... OCD!Me is drooling over the different kinds of fanon, btw XD. But right now, I'm thinking just Fix it fic for any kind of fic that fixes canon, by having Reid "die" but come back.
Examples: Raise Up Heart, Found

That way, we can still keep fanon!twt? and fanon!dwd? and fanon!cwcoymtdgw (LOVE this one, btw). I just don't know if fanon!other is necessary, if we have the fix it tag as well. But, like I said, I keep going back and forth on it...

Blurb now also has a text box for easy indexing!


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 6 2010, 02:47:54 UTC
RE: Fanon!other (again XD).

I just checked the tag-post and since fix it fics refer to fics that fix canon in any period or episode, we should keep fanon!other for specific "Reid-dies-but-comes-back-somehow" fics. YES!


Re: Bekka's crazy long answer alissablue November 4 2010, 14:08:31 UTC
Okay, so, the sticky post option didn't work, so I created a "Blurb" (In the sidebar) instead. It looks so pretty =)!


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