How to index fics and whatnot. (Under Construction)

Oct 30, 2010 20:25

To all the indexing people!

Welcome to the wonderfully awesome and EPIC (don’t quote me on that, when you’re going out of your mind) LuRe fic-library project! Our goal is to index every single LuRe fic ever posted at lure_atwt, LRonline and the LuRe Big Bang and noah_who challenges and basically make this a place for people to find what they’re looking for, in regards to LuRe-fanfiction. 
Now, the indexing is going to take a lot of time and work, but the more people volunteer, the less time and work it’ll take. How you can help out? See this wonderful entry: Sign Up Post!

The general idea of indexing fan fiction for the awesomely organized LuRe Fan Fic Library
Each fic will get a separate entry in the library and all the chapter-links will be posted and updated in that specific entry, in case of WIP’s. You only have to index the multi-chapter fics that were started in your month, though, because the person indexing a certain multi-chapter fic, will also be the one to add the chapter links of that story, past the month they’ve indexed already.

How the fuck to go about this? Glad you asked.

1.       Month/community: Go to your assigned community (in case of lure_atwt , archive is here)Author: Find your author and start indexing! (lure_atwt  has author/artist tags!)
Specific Fic: Find your fic and start indexing!

2.       Create entries at the library for the fics you find, excluding fics that started in one of the previous months. In case of multi-chapter fics that started in your month, try to find out if they’re still WIP’s, link to the chapters past your assigned month and link to possible sequels.

3.       The entry will look like this:
Entry title: Author - Title
Author:  In case of multiple authors, please credit all the authors.
Title: Fic title.
Rating:  G, PG-13, R, NC-17 (and ‘Eventual/some NC-17’ for Multi-chapter fics that are generally PG-13 or R, but (will) have some NC-17-chapters).  
               One shot/drabble: Month it was posted
WIP’s: Month it started - ???
Completed Multi-chapter fics:  Month it started - Month it ended
Category: One shot; drabble; Completed Multi-chapter; WIP
Summary: Just copy + paste from the original entry
Chapters:  Only for Completed Multi-chapter fics
Warnings: Copy + paste from the original entry . This is especially important with Dark!fics and angsty fics. Check the story just in case.
Kinks: Only for NC-17 One shots and drabbles,
Fic link: Only put the link before the cut, in case of one shots. ALL multi-chapter links go under a cut.
- Chapter-links
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Note: You don't have to link to ALL the chapters, if the original entry at LuRe_atwt already provides links to all the chapters.
- If the fic is set in a certain verse or has a sequel etc., also try to link to (the entry of) the other fics.

Or, you know, just copy this (and remove whatever doesn't apply to your fic):  
Author:  Title: Rating: Date: Category: Summary: Chapters: Warnings: Kinks: Fic link: prologue: chapter 1: chapter 2: chapter 3: chapter 4: chapter 5: chapter 6: chapter 7: chapter 8: chapter 9: chapter 10: chapter 11: chapter 12: chapter 13: chapter 14: chapter 15: chapter 16: chapter 17: chapter 18: chapter 19: chapter 20: chapter 21: chapter 22: chapter 23: chapter 24 chapter 25: chapter 26: chapter 27: chapter 28: chapter 29: chapter 30: epilogue:  
HTML Text box

One shot : Here and here !!
Collaboration: Here!

4.       MANDATORY TAGS - Every entry must have the following tags:   
  • The alphabetical tags for Author and Title, so Author: A - E, Author: F - J etc., same with Fic: A - E, Fic: F - J, etc. In case of a Collaboration, apply both Author-tags 
  • Rating-tags: G, PG-13, R, NC-17. If a multi-chapter fic generally has an average rating of PG-13 or R,  but with some NC-17-chapters, ALSO add the "Eventual or some NC-17"-tag.
  • Community tag: One for LuRe_atwt, one for LRonline. For cross-posted fics, the preferred community is LuRe_atwt, both for the fic links and the tags.
  • Month-tags: One shots and drabbles get the tag for the month they were posted. WIP's and multi chaptered fics get the month-tag for the month it started. And in the post itself, you can specify when it ended: July 2010 - ??? (for WIP) and July 2010 - August 2010 (For Completed fics).
  • Category-tags: One for One shots, one for drabbles, one for Completed multi-chapter fics and one for WIP's.

5.       SECONDARY TAGS:  After the mandatory tags, the entries need to be tagged more specifically

·         Check out the tag-list and pick the tags that apply to the fic. But only apply the tag, if the tag represents a significant event in the fic. 
For instance:

Character tags:
DO: Caffeinated!Casey and Caffeinated!Luke hang out, eat cookies, Luke and Reid make out in front of Casey
DON’T: Casey says two lines, Casey is mentioned.

Holiday tags:
DO: Luke and Reid go to Thanksgiving dinner at the farm
DON’T: Luke and Reid mention that they had Thanksgiving dinner

DO: Luke and Reid dress up for Halloween, costumes Yay! Reid in a cowboy hat, Reid as Draco Malfoy.
DON’T: Halloween is just mentioned.

Breakup tags:
DO: LuRe breaks up and the break up lasts for several chapters
DON’T: Luke and Reid break up and have make up sex the next day

Stethoscope tag:
DO: Luke and Reid have sex and use the stethoscope, Luke listens to Reid’s heart (in or out of his chest)
DON’T: Reid uses his stethoscope on a patient.  
Catch my drift? Good.

6.       After you finish the lure_atwt  entries, go to LRonline and index those fics too, excluding the cross-posted fics. For multi-chapter fics on LRonline, the link to the general thread is enough, because the stories are updated in the same thread they were started in.

Questions? Ask  pghbekka  or alissablue . We can help you out with whatever you need^^.

!mod post, !how to

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