Nancygrew- Amnesia is Stupid

Nov 08, 2010 13:13

Author: nancygrew
Title: Amnesia is Stupid.
Rating: G
Date: October 2010-October 2010
Category: Multi-Chap Fic, Completed
Summary: Futurefic. AU after Reid drives off to Bay City. Takes place ~late August 2014. Takes place after my fic Jade Stays at Luke and Reid's Place. Reid is hurt in accident and ends up with amnesia.
Chapters: 8
Fic link: Amnesia Is Stupid

chapter 1: - character: original
chapter 2:- character: original, character: other, luke!siblings,
chapter 3: - character: katie,
chapter 4: character: katie, business!luke
chapter 5:- character: casey, character bashing: chris
chapter 6:
chapter 7: - character: Damien, character: noah, character bashing: noah, business!luke
chapter 8:- character bashing: lily, character: other

character: original character, character bashing: chris, amnesia, business!luke, futurefic, category: multichapter (completed), character: katie and/or jacob, hurt!reid, character bashing: noah, character: casey, au!general, community: lure_atwt lj, luke!siblings, pov!reid, month: october 2010, verse: nancygrew, character: damian, character bashing: lily, angst, rating: g, rating: pg, author: k - o, fic: a - e, fanon!twt, character: noah, luke!relatives

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