10 words for 10 prompts (Authors P-T)

Mar 08, 2011 17:32

Author: petuniagirl, rajncajn72, sirenanne999, slayerkitty, sleeper6, spice_sprinkles, sripley, starlurker, stl29tide, thefigtree, thesicko1012, tuckatangent 
Title: 10 words for 10 prompts
Rating: G to NC-17
Date: November 2010
Category: Drabble
Summary: The 10 words are: Angst, AU, Crack, Crossover, First Time, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, UST.
Fic link: Original prompt by _alicesprings

Author: petuniagirl 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: rajncajn72 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: sirenanne999 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: slayerkitty 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: sleeper6 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: spice_sprinkles 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: sripley 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: starlurker 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: stl29tide 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: thefigtree 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: thesicko1012 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


Author: tuckatangent 
Fic link: 10 words for 10 prompts


category: drabble, month: november 2010, rating: eventual/some nc-17-chapter(s), ust, schmoop/fluff, hurt!reid, crack!fic, author: p - t, au!general, community: lure_atwt lj, rating: pg-13, pov!alternating, challenge: 10 words for 10 prompts, first time, rating: r, !masterlist, funny, smut, angst, rating: g, rating: nc-17, rating: pg, hurt!luke, crossover, fic: p - t

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