Rhiannonhero - Favorite Sweater (Comment fic)

Feb 26, 2011 13:01

Author: rhiannonhero 
Title: Favorite sweater (Comment fic)
Rating: PG-13
Date: September 27th, 2010
Category: One Shot
Summary: “I think that if Luke was wearing an outfit he looked particularly hot in, Reid might comment on it. I don't think he'd necessarily remember the outfit, so if/when Luke wore the outfit again, Reid's reaction wouldn't be "Luke's wearing that suit I like" but more like "Luke = extra hot today". The same goes for any article of clothing, including shoes... LUKE might start to think "this is the shirt/suit/shoes Reid likes" but to Reid it would just be "Luke = extra hot today" each time, but he wouldn't be keeping any kind of mental tally about which clothes of Luke's brought out that reaction in him, if that makes sense.”
Fic link: Favorite Sweater

fic: f - j, month: september 2010, slice of life, community: rhihero_fic (rhiannonhero), funny, category: one shot, futurefic, author: p - t, rating: pg-13, community: lure_atwt lj

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