How to search for fics

Dec 02, 2012 21:02

Okay, so, you’ve found the LuRe Fan Fiction Library, filled with lots and lots of different fic entries, tags, a few helpful links and (as of January 23rd, 2011) a custom search engine. That’s good, because that’s the first step toward finding whatever you’re looking for. How to go about this? Well, glad you asked, as there are a few ways to make your search much easier and to make this community easier to navigate.

As you may or may not have noticed, there is a very useful and long lists of tags in the community’s sidebar, which provides a good overview of how the fics in this community are indexed. There are grouped author’s tags, grouped title tags, category tags, community tags, rating tags and a bunch of other helpful tags. The long list of tags and their usage is here and the list with more detailed information on which tag represents what is here.

Multiple tags
The tags list is very pretty and useful, but can also be a little limited, if you’re looking for a fic that, for instance, both bashes Chris Hughes and kills him or if you’re looking for a fic that includes Casey or Lucinda. But -fear no more!!!- according to Livejournal (Thank you, indigo_5), there’s a trick for this!


Copy this link and replace the character tags with the two (or more) tags you want to incorporate in your search and then divide the separate tags by using comma’s. Also make sure "?mode=and" is included in the final link.

A link for fics with the tags au!general, angst and rating: pg-13 should look like this:!general,angst,rating: pg-13?mode=and

This won’t guarantee that you only get fics with the tags you’re looking for, but it should do the trick.


The OR-tag-search is a little easier. Just take off the “?mode=and” bit at the end of the link:,tag2

So a link for fics with either Casey or Lucinda, should look like this: lucinda,character: casey

Unfortunately, we haven’t discovered a way to do this yet, but please let us know if you figure it out. (Also see "advanced search" below) =)

Custom Search Engine
As of January 23rd, 2011, the lure_ficlibrary has a custom search engine, hosted by free find. It took us ages to find a decent one (damn you, google!) and, while this one still isn’t perfect, it still works quite well. The search engine gets updated once a month and is the easiest way to find a specific author or fic entry.
index sitemap advancedsite search by

Advanced Search
The advanced search option is pretty awesome. It allows you to be even more specific in your search for fic entries by finding pages with a number of words, exact phrases and also provides some sort of “not” option for entries. For more detailed information on the advanced search option, go here.

The index is a table of all the words (Yes, every single word) on this LJ and which pages they occur on. So if you’re looking for pages that contain the word ‘Porn’, just click on the word porn, sit back and relax and innocently browse through the list of pages containing the word porn.

The sitemap is an overview of the lure_ficlibrary and basically a list of all the pages included in our search engine.

!mod post, !fic search, !faq, !how to

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