suzvoy - FaceSpace fics

Jan 30, 2011 03:51

Author: suzvoy
Title: Reid Oliver and Luke Snyder Are Now Friends and SEQUELS!
Rating: R
Date: 5/21/10 - 6/1/10
Category: Multichapter (Completed)
Summary: Reid discovers Luke will do anything to get what he wants - including using the internet.
Chapters: 4
Chapter Index: first time and ust in Reid & Luke R friends, character: lucinda in Lucinda Walsh, thanksgiving in h8 2 break it 2 u
Fic link: Reid Oliver and Luke Snyder Are Now Friends
Luke Snyder Has Posted Something On Your Wall
Lucinda Walsh Has Sent You A Friend Request
h8 2 break it 2 u luke but u're a writer

month: may 2010, picfic, ust, category: multichapter (completed), character: katie and/or jacob, au!early, writer!luke, character: casey, author: p - t, community: lure_atwt lj, first time, character: maddie, fic: f - j, rating: r, funny, character: lucinda, songfic/poems, fic: p - t, thanksgiving, character: noah, luke!relatives

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