Higher Education - Chapter 21

Sep 15, 2010 17:49

A/N Massive apologies for not updating! I am ridiculously busy with real life at the moment, I’m sure you can all relate, and I simply didn’t have time to even think about this story, let alone sit down and write it. But, enough of my simpering; who am I? Alison? Feedback = <3 as always!

Mods: I don't seem to have the tag which I previously did :S My idiocy or Livejournal's?

Chapter 21

It was twilight and the natural light that had previously lit Reid’s living room was dimming. Luke was sprawled out on his sofa, his bare feet dangling over the opposite end. Reid finished putting all of the plates in the dishwasher and walked over to the sofa, lifting Luke’s legs slightly so he could sit down. He immediately pulled them back to rest lightly on the tops of his thighs.

This all felt so familiar and yet so new at the same time. Six months was a long time for them to have been apart and Luke still felt raw over the whole experience. He couldn't forgive his mother. How could she do this to him? He understood that she didn't really understand the situation but going straight to Reid and blackmailling him to leave was not the way to deal with her bitter feellings over their lately, awkward relationship. Luke loved his family but he couldn't see himself returning home in a couple of weeks without Reid. He knew Damian had played a major part in Reid's disappearence, naturally. Damian was always involved.

Reid started lightly stroking Luke's feet and they both revelled in how domestic and easy this felt.

‘So you’re eighteen now, then?’ Reid asked and looked deep into Luke’s eyes.
‘Yep. A couple of months past that milestone.’ Luke sat up but left his legs resting on Reid’s. He stroked Reid’s hair and gently kissed his cheek.

‘I don’t think I will ever be able to apologise for the things I said.’ Reid said quietly.
‘Hey! I don’t blame you at all. You had to say those things to stay out of prison. And when my mum threatened you with making sure you would stay there for the rest of your life…’ Luke shuddered, not understanding why his mother would be so cruel, ‘I’m just trying to say that I understand.’

‘I’ll never forgive myself for saying I never loved you. Never.’ Reid stood up and rubbed a hand over his face.

‘Oi, come back here.’ Luke swung his legs around so he was sitting upright in the middle of the sofa. Reid didn’t turn around. He was too busy reliving six months of torture without Luke.

Luke stood up and spun Reid around. He took a step forward and kissed Reid lightly. He drew back. Reid opened his eyes, his blue irises misted and cloudy as if Luke could see into his mind; he was still angry with himself. Luke tilted his head in the opposite direction and lightly kissed him again.

‘I forgive you.’ He whispered against Reid’s quivering lips. ‘I forgave you the moment I found out what happened.’ Kissing once more, he drew back. Reid’s eyes had cleared and he was smiling. Luke’s heart soared and he pushed Reid back into a wall kissing him passionately.

‘I don’t know how I survived without you for so long.’ Reid whispered between deep kisses.
‘Neither.’ Luke sighed and ran his fingers through Reid’s curls. He began to kiss down Reid’s neck, leaving pink circles under Reid’s jaw.
‘Stay with me.’ Reid moaned.
‘I’m not going anywhere near that hotel.’ Luke laughed as he moved down to Reid’s collarbone.

‘No, Luke. Stay with me. Move in with me.’


Lily had been ringing Damian for hours, her heart beating quickly each time she dialed. Luke had been gone a day and she knew something odd was going on; Damian still hadn’t rung her back. He promised he would ring her if he found out that Reid had made contact with Luke. She could only wait. Perhaps Damian not phoning her was a good sign. That her Luke was safe. But she knew that if Casey and her baby were going to work for Reid’s best friend, this Martin, then Reid would inevitably be involved leading to Lily’s plan unravelling. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She loved her son and she knew this was for the best. Suddenly she heard her mobile vibrate against the kitchen table next to where she was tapping her fingers.

Damian Grimaldi

She hastily pressed the green phone button on her blackberry.
‘Hello?’ She breathed.
‘Lily? It’s Damian. The boy is with Dr Oliver. Don’t worry I’m going over to the doctor’s apartment right now.’
‘Oh god, what if he’s already told Luke what was going on at Christmas? Luke won’t leave him if he knows the truth.’
‘Don’t worry, Cara. I’ve brought men with me. Luke will come home to you, whatever the consequences.’ Damian smiled down the line and hung up. Lily dropped her phone onto the table.

‘I just want my baby home.’ She thought.


‘You… what?’ Luke pulled back from mouthing at Reid’s available skin.
‘I’m sorry, Luke, I didn’t mean to…’ Reid began to move away when Luke caught his arm again a giant grin plastered all over his face.

‘You want me to move in with you?’ Luke asked.
‘Look, Luke I understand. You’re entire family’s back home in Oakhell and once I’ve got my licence back I probably won’t be home much and I’ll probably forget your birthday and work through Christmas and…’ Luke placed a finger lightly over Reid’s upper lip.
‘I would love to.’ Luke smiled and moved his hand to cup Reid’s jaw.
‘Are you serious? You want to move in with a compulsive narcissist like me?’
‘Yes, Dr Oliver, I do.’


Damian strode towards Reid’s door followed closely by two heavily built men carrying handguns inside their jackets. He had told them the plan: get Luke out and kill Dr Oliver leaving no trace of them behind. Damian felt no guilt about killing his son’s... lover. This man had overstepped a line, seduced his son and made him the way he was.

He didn’t want to be involved in the entire event of getting Luke out and destroying the man left inside but he couldn’t trust the men not to hurt his Luciano so he had decided to go in and distract Luke, leaving Reid alone in the apartment with no weapons and no means of exiting the building. It was an idiot-proof plan.


Lying horizontal on the sofa with Luke pressed hard on top of him was Reid’s favourite place in the world. Luke felt amazing and was nibbling along Reid’s jaw and murmuring incoherent stutterings. Reid was probably doing the same thing. He was still basking in Luke’s glow and skin-seeping warmth. Luke had almost disappeared from his life and now he could return to the permanent elation he had felt back in December. He wasn’t breaking Lily’s deal; he wasn’t back in Illinois. He was simply back with Luke. Legally this time.

Luke grinded hard against Reid and their groans became louder and quicker. Both of their shirts were strewn around the room from earlier desperate kissing, somehow they had made it over to the sofa.

Luke sighed in happiness. He was home.


Damian crept closer to the door. He was standing right outside Reid’s neighbour’s door when it opened and out stepped an elderly man.

‘You looking for someone, boys?’ The old man asked raising an eyebrow at the odd collection of men congregating around his door.
‘No need to worry sir, we were just waiting for a friend.’ Damian tried to hasten the man back inside. He didn’t want to get stuck here for the rest of the night chatting to the grandpa next door.
‘Just keep the noise down, whatever you’re doing.’ The man raised an eyebrow suspiciously but returned into his apartment to Damian’s relief.

He walked straight up to Reid’s door and knocked loudly. Idiot-proof plan; what’s the worst that could happen?


Reid chucked Luke’s shirt at his head covering it entirely. Reid paused to laugh and did up the final button on his shirt.

‘Come on,’ Reid took Luke’s hand. ‘I’ve got something to show you.’


Damian was sick of knocking after the first ten taps. He stepped back and allowed his companions to burst through the door in front of him.

‘Reid Oliver better be afraid.’ Damian though menacingly as he stepped through the door behind the men.

!author|artist: imnotatotalgeek, luke/reid, fan fiction

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