Fic: Make Me A Promise

Sep 05, 2010 20:33

Title: Make Me A Promise (1/1)

Summary: Based on spoilers (I think that pretty much summarises it)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.


Rating: PG

That night in Memorial hospital Luke Snyder scanned his eyes over his sleeping boyfriend properly for the first time since the accident. He took in his bruised face, the tubes and machines he was hooked up to, his cut lips and the way his chest was rising and falling jaggedly with every difficult breath. He’d refused to accept what was happening all day. He hadn’t shed one tear, telling himself it was useless crying over something that could be fixed, but now he was finally taking it all in it was a lot harder to deny. The room was silent-save for the machines beeping in the background-as Luke let his gaze travel over the older man’s face. He was the most beautiful thing Luke had ever seen, even in death with his features so tragically broken. Luke finally let his eyes travel down to their tangled fingers, which had been that way since Reid had informed him that he was an organ donor, and insisted, despite Luke’s desperate attempts to stop him, that when he passed he wanted his heart to go to Chris. He was a stubborn bastard, even as he was dying.

Finally Luke accepted that it was ending, and for once, not even the amount of money in his bank account could fix it.

Now he couldn’t stop the tears from coming. He stared at the wall, unable to take the pain of seeing the man he loved so broken, and began to sob uncontrollably. He let the tears stain his cheeks, refusing to wipe them away, simply because he could feel them and right now he’d give anything to feel something other than the overwhelming pain currently stabbing uncontrolabley at his heart and soul and every other part of his being.

That’s how Reid found his boyfriend when he opened his eyes from his sleep. Seeing Luke like this hurt him 1000 trains ever could.

“Luke.” He breathed, tears forming in his own eyes. When the younger boy looked at him, still unable to stop his tears, he gestured to the small space in the bed next to him. “Luke.” He repeated, just because he still could.

“I don’t want to hurt you” Luke whimpered, looking down at their joint hands once again.

“You couldn’t.” Reid smiled, his voice wouldn’t be audible if Luke weren’t listening to so intently to every single word, trying to grasp on to whatever he could to stop himself from falling apart at the seams. “Nothing could hurt as much as seeing you like this.”

With that, Luke gently laid down on the bed next to him, never letting their hands separate. The fingers on Reid’s spare hand tangled weakly in Luke’s blonde hair, trying to memorise the feel of it on his finger tips. He never wanted to forget.

“I love you,” Luke croaked against his chest “So much.”

“I love you, too.” Reid whispered back, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from escaping his own eyes.

They stayed like that for what could have been hours, just holding onto each other, holding onto whatever time they had left.

“We could’ve had a great life together, you know?” Luke sighed once his tremors had finally calmed down.

“The best.” Reid replied as his trademark crooked smile spreading across his face.

“I hate that we’re not allowed.” His voice cracked mid-sentence. “We could’ve been so incredible together.”

“We already are, Luke.” He pointed out, his breath stuttering throughout his sentence. Luke raised his head slightly to look into his eyes. “We were given the chance to love each other, and we took it, and it was amazing. That’s all that counts in the end. You made me happier than I ever thought I could be.”

“Reid.” Luke sobbed. He felt his whole life tearing apart around him and he doubted anything would ever be able to put it back together again.

“Make me a promise, Luke.” Reid said, with his eyes fighting not to close. Not yet.


“Promise me that you’ll be happy, and that you’ll get over this” Reid croaked, finally cracking and letting the tears roll down his cheeks for the first time since he was 14 years old. “I don’t think I could handle it if I knew that you weren’t happy. And don’t blame yourself for this. Promise me you won’t blame yourself.”

“Okay.” Luke smiled, but it was broken. Shattered.

“I love you so much.” He sighed, staring intently into Luke’s brown eyes. He was the only reason that he didn’t want to leave, the only thing that could ever hold him back. He’d always been content with the concept of death before, he knew that it could happen at anytime, and he’d always thought he’d be okay with not fighting it and with just letting it take over. Then he met Luke Snyder, and now he was terrified, knowing that he was leaving him alone and scared.

“What am I going to do?” Luke said, he was trying to keep strong, but he couldn’t hide the agony laced in his voice.

“You’ll be fine. You know why? Because you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.” Reid’s face was as serious as it’d ever been. “And if any one even thinks about hurting you, I’m going to haunt their ass.”

“Don’t make jokes.” Luke frowned. His boyfriend was inappropriate, right until the very end.

“Sorry.” Reid coughed. He lifted his head slightly off his pillow, signalling for Luke to kiss him. The blonde leaned in and brushed his boyfriend’s lips with his own. As kisses go, it wasn’t the most eventful, but it meant more than any of the words either of them could string together. Tears mixed with tears, breath mixed with breath and each heard the other’s heart shatter, both acknowledging quietly that this would be the last time. Luke silently sobbed against Reid’s lip, before kissing him once more on the lips, closed mouthed, lingering, trying to savour the moment. He then proceeded to leave butterfly kisses over his face, memorising every nook and cranny with his lips so it could haunt him until the day they could be together again. Finally he brushed their noses together and swallowed what felt like razor blades cutting at his insides.

“I love you, Mr Snyder.” Reid whispered, his breath tickling against Luke’s lips, his words scratching painfully at his throat and even more painfully at Luke’s heart, engraving themselves in his mind, making sure he’d never forget.

“I love you too. More than you could ever imagine.” Luke sighed back, the tears falling silently down his cheeks and he stared into Reid’s eyes one last time before resting his head against his chest, knowing that this was it.

They lay there silently, having said all that was needed to be said, Reid’s thumb brushing gently over Luke’s knuckles, a quiet comfort saying more than words could in that moment. Telling him that eventually, it would all be okay.

Luke inhaled a jagged breath when he heard Reid’s own breathing begin to slow, and eventually come to a final halt. He kept their hands laced together, and planned to do so until someone would inevitably come along and pull him away, whispering in his ear how it was over, and it was time to go. But until then, he would stay like this, unwilling to let their tragically short love story end. Not yet.

They should’ve been allowed more time.

He went quietly in the end. It wasn’t dramatic; there were no screams filling the air. The stars didn’t fall down and the ground didn’t cave in.

One boy’s world falling apart around him didn’t seem to matter in the large, universal scheme of things, Luke supposed.

It wasn’t enough to stop the world from turning.

!author|artist: missbadgerface, rating: pg, fan fiction

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