post episode discussion: 9.01.10

Sep 01, 2010 15:10

Alright, BBs. Let's discuss.

Note: The comments in this post will contains spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the episode.

This post will also include You Tube clips and unifiedxdivide's epic recap when available.

ETA: Both parts of today's episode, the preview for tomorrow and uniFIedxdivide's epic recap are up!

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Preview for tomorrow: (Thanks for the link, smuchshypush!)

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uniFIedxdivide's epic recap for 9/1/10:

Open: Yesterday’s preview scene - Reid being AWESOME and caring, Noah being a complete tool. Reid shows concern over Noah’s condition and gives him the name of a good doctor in L.A. Noah snarks at him, won’t take the name, and says “I expect to find my own doctor”. You’re lucky Chris is on the show, buddy -- he’s a worse tool than you -- though not by much.

John Dixon finds Chris and tells him that he’s a dick and needs to get into the hospital, pronto. Chris is wandering around looking for Katie rather than getting treatment. God, what an idiot. FU, CHRIS!. John insists on taking Chris to the hospital, angrily and forcefully, after he has chest pains. GOOOOOOO JOHN DIXON!!!

Cuts to Katie alone, being sadface still talking to Nancy’s pictures in her house, asking her what to do. :( Margo finds Katie and plays big sister with her and listens to her tale of woe.

Bob is reminded of a golf date that he has with the head of the board of trustees; Kim says that Chris should go on the golf date with the trustee. John gets Chris to the hospital and leaves him alone for just a moment to check him in. I see what’s coming, show! Chris walks in on his parents talking about the golf date, and. Yeah. CAN WE GET A FUCK YOU CHRIS? Chris lies to his parents about how he’s feeling when they express marginal concern about how he looks. Of course. Because he’s a tool. And then he agrees to play golf even though he knows better. REALLY? God, GTFO GTFO GTFO. Also, Kim? Really fucking lame saying “it’s okay for you to skip it honey:, but then guilting - by using Nancy - him into going?! Fuck. Kim and Chris both need to GTFO.

Luke asks what Noah and Reid are arguing about. Noah says, with a ridiculous sneer, that Reid’s passing along the name of a doctor friend, and Noah’s passing along Luke. So we’re even! We’re square! ... what a dick. Chris and Noah both need to GTFO and go to L.A. Luke goes after Noah, but not before making sure Reid won’t be mad that he is going to try to fix things. Reid has gotten to know Luke pretty well - he doesn’t guilt him at all.

Katie and Margo keep talking, and Margo realizes that Katie is hiding something when she says she thought Chris and Katie were going to announce an engagement and Katie flees the room.

Reid talks to John, they discuss Chris’ disappearance. Reid sees Bob and asks where Chris is, after expressing condolences over Nancy. Bob tells Reid that Chris is playing golf. Uh-oh. Kim: “I’m sure you’re not happy about that.” Reid: “You have no idea.” You know what, Kim? REID IS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR SON’S LIFE. God.

Noah is a total dick, guilt guilt guilt, he isn’t happy so Luke can’t move on and be happy EVEN THOUGH HE PUSHED HIM AWAY WHEN IT WAS ALL ABOUT HIM BEFORE. Noah:“I’m not that nice.” Luke: “I’m just trying to end as friends” Noah: “IT’S ALL ABOUT ME, FOR THE NEXT 10 MINUTES OF THE SHOW” Oh god, selfish brat.

N: I’m going out there on my own. I wouldn’t be going if it wasn’t for you. ME ME ME ME ME.
L: I’m just trying to be helpful and care about you and leave as friends.
N: I’m still in love with you, I don’t want to go alone. J

esus, he’s as bad as Chris. So, he guilts the shit out of Luke, and this is the point where Luke always used to cave. AND THEN AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN IN THE BEST SCENE THIS SHOW HAS EVER HAD.

N: Be honest with me, are you ready to say good bye to me?
L: I love you. I will always love you. But...
N:You’re not in love with me anymore? you’re in love with reid? are you? do you know?
N: *sputtering * BUT he’s not right for you. He’s not good for you.
L: Yes, he is. *sounding very convinced*
N: I blamed you. I had to punish you. You caused me to be blind. It was just something horrible I had to do to you in our codependent gross relationship.
L: yeah, you did. and you cut me out of your life. Accidents happen. I didn’t deserve all that blame. I would have done anything for you and you kicked my ass out.
N: This with reid, this is payback?
L: This is me realizing that yes, though we loved each other, we’re not right for each other, Noah.
N: But you and Reid are?
L: *hearts in eyes* Yes. *very strongly* Noah. we will always be connected, but it’s not the same. We could still be friends. Good friends.
N: No. I can’t.

FUCKER. It’s all about him. Poor Luke. But asl;dfjasldkfja;skldfjasl;dkfj;askldfjl;askdjfakl;sdfjakl;s I’M IN LOVE WITH REID AND HE IS RIGHT FOR ME. OH, SHOW!

Meanwhile, while Dr. Dixon dodges questions about Chris’ whereabouts, Luke goes to find Katie and he comforts her about Chris. AWWWW.

Chris is playing golf and chit-chatting with the board guy. I think drama’s about to happen. Yep, Reid runs up and joins their golf game - “making it a threesome” - I’ll try not to gag. Chris is pissed. Guess what, Chris? We’re ALL kind of pissed at YOU. “You’re in danger of heart failure and you’re here?” Chris is a complete idiot. Also, Reid playing golf is hot, as his first shot off the tee is perfect.

Bob and Kim grieve and reminisce together about Nancy. I guess this really pisses me off more than anything. Chris is deliberately going to hurt all the people who love him with this golf idiocy. God. Selfish twat. Both of them reminisce about Nancy together, and then Bob talking about how it felt to find his mom dead, and Chris is fucking doing the same thing, and it’s pissing me OFF.

(It’s hard to write this with no spoilers in it. My rant could get a lot louder. Trying to keep it spoiler-free.)

Luke still talking to Katie. I love this sweet loving pep-talk between them about standing behind those you love. Katie admits she loves Chris, inexplicably, but it’s nice that she can show her weaknesses about that love to Luke. Then - Luke: “I know Chris will be fine. Reid’s on the case.” AWWWWWWWW.

Reid starts being a jerk to the trustee to goad him into stopping the game - probably hurting his chances of CoS - just to get Chris to the hospital. Amazing scene, as Chris keeps being stubborn and Reid basically shoots his career in the foot for the undeserving piece of shit.

John is about to tell the Hughes’ the truth, because he can’t deny it anymore, when Reid practically carries Chris in to the hospital. GOD. Chris, honestly, why don’t you just die?

Luke continues to give Katie a pep talk, then offers to drive Katie to Memorial. When they arrive, John is examining Chris and Reid has come out to try to keep all the Hughes’ at bay. They’re putting two and two together, though, and I just. Really. Hate. Chris. for putting EVERYONE through this. All he had to do was get treatment early. It’s so frustrating to watch this ridiculous storyline unfold. Luke says he will stay with Katie outside the room since she says she isn’t ready to face all of this. John invites all the Hughes’ in to see Chris. Reid comes over to send Katie in too, but she says she isn’t ready, so Reid suggests that she go home and get herself together first. My thought: so REID AND LUKE WILL BE ALONE. But then, Luke gets pissed at Reid for sending Katie away after his hour-long pep talk, and Reid thinks Luke is an idiot, and. UGH, SHOW.


a;sdlfjkal;sdfjkasl;dkfjal;sdjkf;alsdkfjaskl;dfj. Sorry, I can’t be more coherent than that. Kim yelling at Katie, Bob yelling at Reid, Luke saying “I can’t believe I told Noah that I was in love with you” and Reid saying “HOLD THE PHONE” a;sdlkfjal;sdkfjl;askdjfasdkl; BRB FLAILING


post episode discussion, post episode discussion: 9.01.10

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