post episode discussion: 8.30.10

Aug 30, 2010 15:28

Alright, BBs. Let's discuss.

Note: The comments in this post will contains spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the episode.

This post will also include You Tube clips and unitedxdivide's epic recap when available.

ETA: Both parts and unitedxdivide's epic recap are up!

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unitedxdivide's epic recap for 8/30/10:

Open: Casey cooking for Ali. Ali rummages around in Casey’s room to find a recipe, and finds the engagement ring that she once wore, and she and Casey start reminiscing about (bad) times past.

John Dixon snarking with Bob - Bob saying he’s had some recent practice in snark talking to a brilliant neurosurgeon. “That wouldn’t happen to be Reid Oliver, would it? He called me in for a cardiac consult.” Bob wonders, “for whom?” -- and then we see Reid’s “oh shit” look as he tries to cover for him.

Chris is a complete fucking tool and tells Katie he’s been a lying son-of-a-bitch. As I said in comments to the live discussion: “god, Chris. You're still a fucking tool. If you'd had tests done early on, and done what Reid said, you'd have a much higher survival rate. Instead, you fucker, you're going to fuck up everyone's lives. You selfish son-of-a-bitch.” (I don’t hold back.)

After the requisite Activia commercial, Chris guilts Katie and explains away his stupid lies and god, he’s so gross. Katie has a chance to throw him out, but...nope. Instead, she forgives him and tells him she’ll stand by him. Blech. He gets a free pass.

OMG REID AND JOHN. ARE EXACTLY ALIKE. AND LOVE IT THAT THEY ARE. Bob insists that Reid tell him what’s going on, Reid dodges and grabs John and gets out of the Lakeview before he has to say anything. I love some Bob and Reid and some Reid and John, straight up.

More Casey and Ali and making out and being the man and woman of each other’s dreams and a weird half-assed marriage proposal. The only thing that’s good is Casey in this, IMO. I just keep remember Alison cheating on him and Alison the meth addict and Alison the porn star. Ugh.

Bob: *still insisting* Why is Dr. Dixon here?
Reid: Sorry, Bob, not giving you any info.

Another scene of Doogie being a DICK with all his backpedaling and half-truths. I am so enraged. Katie telling him that he has to tell his family and him STILL BEING A TOOL and insisting they don’t need to know. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING?! And Katie’s all “you didn’t do this” ... YES, HE DID. CHRIST. Reid calls to tell Chris to come to the hospital.
Reid: “Don’t be the stubborn nitwit that you are, Doogie.”
Chris: “Yeah I’ll be right there.”
Reid hears all the fight gone out of Chris’ voice. “You told Katie.”

Chris leaves Katie at the apartment with Jacob, who inexplicably doesn’t get mad at him for lying to him for so long, to go to see Dr. Dixon.

Ali and Casey talk about her infidelity and about the crazy wedding. Ali says she slept with Mick Dante because she was damaged and out of control, and starts listing out all her failures in life. Casey forgives her because she was there for him when Vienna was jerking him around. And then he’s awesome because he’s CASEY.

They start setting up Nancy’s death (SOB) Bob calls her and says he’s going to come by and see her.

Chris comes into the hospital as Reid and John are discussing Chris’ tests and treatment, or lack thereof thanks to Chris being so boneheaded, and Reid is being very cagey about who John will be treating. As soon as Doogie appears, Reid hands over his treatment to a very surprised and worried John.

Reid comes into his house after his long day, and has to confess to a tearful Katie that he knew all along. Katie flips out at him in the scene we saw on the preview: WHY DIDN’T YOU WARN ME? Me: Uh, Katie, he TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA AND THAT CHRIS HAD SECRETS. He actually DID warn you. You just refused to listen.

Then Katie and Reid manage to get over that and talk and she realizes that Reid loves her, (“you and the drool machine of a kid”) and that he’s put aside his own personal feelings to try to fix Chris for her. She asks him to accompany her to the hospital.
Reid: “But Luke and I were going to try to catch some time together later”
Katie: “oh no, Reid, you have to come with me. No sex for you. I’m going to be the latest in a line of cockblockers”

John Dixon SERIOUSLY rakes Chris over the coals for being an idiotic ass. I LOVED IT. IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOMEONE STUCK UP FOR WHAT REID’S BEEN SAYING. PREACH IT, JOHN. He makes it clear that if idiot Chris had actually come to see him when he returned from Africa, he might have been able to fix him. BUT NO. CHRIS IS A SELFISH TOOL AND IS FUCKING UP EVERYONE’S LIFE.

Chris calls Bob to gather all the Hughes’ to Tom and Margo’s - they all think Chris and Katie are going to announce an engagement. And then Bob goes to get Nancy to take her over there, too. :(

Casey and Ali, yawn - everyone coming over to Tom and Margo’s though, so they decide to announce their engagement when everyone gets there - well, except there’s a lot of BAD NEWS COMIN.

Chris and Katie leave to tell everyone. Reid says to John, “Okay. Now tell me what you REALLY think.” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I DEMAND A SEQUEL. LIKE HOUSE ONLY WITH TWO CRANKY DOCTORS.

Hughes family meeting commences... Everyone gathers, with the exception of Tom, Margo, and Bob. Kim wonders aloud where Bob is, and then he shows up at the door without Nancy. In a very emotional voice, he says he found her, passed away. Cue credits.

Preview: Hughes family coming together; Lucinda and John snarking like old times.


post episode discussion: 8.30.10, post episode discussion

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