Aug 26, 2010 22:42

Author: foreverfaith101
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None if you watched the 8/26 episode you will be fine
Characters: Luke/Reid
Summary: What if the make out scene on the couch at Katie/Reid’s apartment turned out differently
Reid and Luke are alone in Reid/Katie’s apartment. Standing in the kitchen. Reid puts down his mug and turns to Luke.

Reid: If I ever doubted the downside of love, I'm seeing it now. This whole . . . people caring about people business, it's insane. It's no wonder I've tried to avoid it.
Luke: Well, it has its good points too.
Reid: It's seems the greater you care about something, the greater chance you have of getting hurt, even losing the very thing you care about.
Luke: That’s . . . true.
Reid: How can you live with that?!
Luke: Well, you're just grateful that you have that in your life. For as long as you have it. Even if it is just a short while.
Reid: A short while? No, no way. I'm not willing to invest so much to get so little in return. I want the whole enchilada, you hear me?
Luke: Meaning . . . ?
Reid: Meaning you better take care of that kidney of yours. If I'm going to put myself out there, fall in love with you, I'm not going to lose you, you hear me?
Luke: Are you planning on falling in love with me?
Reid: No! Of course not, I'm not planning on falling . . . No, it's not something you plan on it just. . . it happens. You're powerless to stop it. Oh, listen to me! I've never been powerless. I've always been in complete control of everything in my life.

Reid walks past Luke toward couch

Luke: *follows* Awww. Are you okay?
Reid: *nods and looks at Luke* You?
Luke: *nods with goofy grin on face* Mmhmm

Reid leans in to kiss Luke. Luke and Reid share passionate kisses. Luke and Reid fall onto the couch. Reid moves to lay Luke back and starts to move to lie on top of Luke when stabbing in Reid’s leg was Jacob's rattle.

Reid: Mmmm, ow, fuck! *pulls rattle out, looks at it and laughs, Luke does not look pleased* Oh . . .
Luke: Yeah . . . this is probably the wrong place and time, huh?

Both laugh

Reid: *sarcastic tone* Let me guess: you prefer candlelight and soft music?
Luke: *shakes head* I just need a bed and some privacy

Reid takes toy and flings it across the room into the kitchen where it makes a crashing sound. Luke laughs and smiles at Reid. Reid does the same “Damn toy!”

Reid blushes and touches Luke knee “I have a bed” Luke takes a deep deep breathe

Luke smiles shyly. Reid leans into Luke to kiss him again. Reid starts to push Luke back onto the couch.

Luke: Reid
Reid: To fast?
Luke: “No, this is perfect…just I want….” Luke gives Reid puppy eyes
Reid: A bed…right!

Reid gets up and gives Luke a hand up. Luke takes it and Reid leads Luke to his room. Reid stops at his bedroom door which makes Luke crash into him. Luke rests his chin on Reid’s shoulder.

Luke whispers: I’m ready

Reid turns around and kisses Luke again. Luke moves so that he is pulling Reid into this room.

Luke walks backwards to the bed until he hits the bed with his legs which in turn makes him fall onto the bed with Reid on top. Reid never breaks the kiss. Luke puts his hands on Reid’s shirt and starts to unbutton it. Reid breaks the kiss to take off the shit and he gets up and takes it off facing the door, Reid decides he needs to close the door for more privacy. Luke sits up and watches Reid. Reid turns around and walks over to Luke. Reid kisses Luke again passionately. Reid slips his hands down to Luke’s waist and starts to lift up Luke’s shirt. Reid breaks the kiss long enough to get the shirt over Luke’s head and Reid hovers over Luke’s mouth getting ready to kiss it again.

Luke glares down. Luke breathes deep and moves his hands to Reid’s hips. Reid straightens up. Luke looked up at Reid as he adjusted so he had a better grip on Reid’s hips. Reid moves his hands and put his hands on Luke’s hands.

“You sure?” Reid asked glaring down at Luke

Luke swallowed while looking up at Reid

“Yeah...” Luke said softer then a whisper

Reid moves his hands from Luke’s hands and put them on Luke’s face

Reid moved back a little, Reid guided Luke up so that Luke could stand

Luke was getting a little nervous and Reid could tell. Reid just let Luke do what he felt was comfortable. Luke moves his hands and started to undo Reid’s pants. Reid moves in to kiss Luke. Luke got Reid’s pants lose and pushed them down.

Reid moved his hands to Luke pants and did the same thing. Reid moved aside while kissing Luke so they both could sit on side of the bed together, and they broke the kiss.

Reid moved fast and took his pants all the way off and flings them across the room knocking over a lamp that crashed to the floor.

“Ready much?” Luke asked with a smile

Reid made a funny face to Luke “I have been ready for a while”

Luke smiled and Reid bent down and helped Luke take his pants off the rest of the way. Reid put them aside.

Now all that is between them was their boxers.

Reid had his hand on Luke’s back and Luke used it to guide him back. Once Luke was on his back Reid moved his hand from Luke’s back. Reid hover over Luke and Reid had his left hand on Luke waist. The other hand was used to hold Reid up.

Luke moved his hand and pushed Reid’s hand to his dick. Reid moaned when Luke did that.

Luke said softly: I want you Reid

Reid used that knowing Luke wanted him to take off Luke’s boxer, which he did. Reid got up and slipped them off Luke. Reid put them on the floor. As Reid adjusted himself so he could take his own off. Luke moved so he was laying the long way on the bed his head resting on the pillows.

Reid didn’t know Luke did that and when he turned around Reid took a double take and looked on the other side of him seeing Luke waiting for him. Reid moved and was going to get a condom and lube from the drawer but Luke told him “No Reid. I want you for real”

Reid was a little shocked at first “You sure?”

Luke shyly “Yes I am sure, I want you forever Reid.”

Reid left the condom in the drawer but brought the lube with him. Reid got back onto the bed and sat on the side of Luke. Both now were getting a little nervous because this would be Luke’s first time without a condom and Reid’s as while. When Reid would sleep with a guy he always made sure he had a condom. Luke never slept with anyone but Noah so Luke had nothing to worry about.

Reid moved to kiss Luke again. Then Luke moved Reid around so that Reid was in front of him. Luke knew Reid was more experienced then himself and he knew he was in good hands.

Reid broke the kiss and Luke moved like he was going to turn over but Reid stopped him.

Reid told Luke softly “No Luke, I want to see you, kiss you, hold you”

Luke settled back on to the bed, Reid moved Luke’s legs onto his shoulders. Luke was a little over whelmed about what Reid was going to do. Reid took the lube and put some on Luke. Reid adjusted again.

“Don’t worry Luke, you can tell me if I am going to fast”

“I trust you”

Reid pushed himself into Luke and Luke tightens up from the feeling.

“You want to stop?” Reid asked freaking out that he pushed too fast and was hurting Luke

“No” Luke told him softly “Just...this is new to me”

Reid took it slower and leaned in to kiss Luke. Luke eased and Reid had his arms around Luke’s head. Luke moaned into Reid kissing him. Reid kept on pushing in but slower because he didn’t want to hurt him.

Reid could feel he was ready to come and told Luke

Luke told him softly “Come Reid, I am almost coming too”

Reid bent his head down into Luke’s neck and moved one hand to Luke’s dick and started to pull it.

Luke moaned extremely loud which made Reid laugh while sucking on Luke’s neck.

“That felt amazing Reid”

While kissing Luke’s neck “I knew you would like it”

Suddenly out of nowhere Luke cum all over Reid’s hand and Luke’s chest.

Reid kissed Luke harder on the neck and sucked it hard too. Reid continued to push in Luke this time a little harder.

Luke started to talk to Reid sexually to get Reid to go faster, and it worked. Reid moved faster and pushed in faster. Reid stopped kissing Luke neck and looked at him in the eyes really deeply, and Reid sucked onto Luke’s mouth. Reid could feel he was extremely close now. Reid broke his kiss on Luke and put his hands around Luke’s head. Reid moved his face back to Luke’s neck and pushed extremely hard one last time which made Reid cum in Luke while doing that Luke moaned loudly and Reid bit Luke on the neck like a vampire.

“That was amazing” Luke said without breathe

“Your amazing Luke” Reid said deep and sexy

Both were out of breathe and once they got the feelings back Reid took Luke’s legs of his shoulders and put them back on the bed. Reid rolled over and sat on his side Luke got up and pulled the blanket and pulled it up so that both Luke and Reid where covered. Reid moved back over to Luke and put his arm across Luke’s chest.

“I love you Luke”

“I love you too Reid”

They snuggled together and Luke was on his side as well and put an arm over Reid and they fell asleep together.

luke/reid, atwt, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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