Higher Education - Chapter 8

Aug 19, 2010 14:15

Thanks for all the comments everyone! Feedback = <3

Chapter 8


The next morning Luke woke up to feel soft kisses being placed around the top of his neck. He sighed and Reid ran his arm up and down
Luke’s side. He still couldn’t quite believe that he was in bed with his teacher; the older, experienced and beautiful man who was now
lying beside him. Luke felt wanted for the first time in his life. Reid made him feel happier than he’d ever been. They could talk for
hours and make love until their bodies couldn’t move an inch further.

‘Hey.’ Luke said quietly, still half asleep.
‘Hi.’ Reid said as he tongued Luke’s earlobe. ‘You feel ok?’ He asked tenderly.
‘Yeah, just fine. I feel perfect.’ Luke turned around and softly kissed Reid.
‘Happy birthday.’ Reid laughed.
‘Was that my only present?’ Luke pouted.
'Oh. Was it not good for you?’ Reid smiled as wrapped Luke’s leg up around his hip and ran his palm up and down the younger man’s thigh.
‘Trust me it was amazing.’
‘I know.’ Reid smiled. ‘Your last boyfriend must have been pretty bad considering your face after you came.’ Luke blushed and couldn’t meet Reid’s eyes.

‘Luke?’ Reid placed a finger under Luke’s chin and turned it to his face.
‘Youweremyfirst.’ Luke whispered.
‘What?’ Reid laughed, ‘You’re going to have to repeat that for human ears.’
‘You were my first.’
‘You mean you are…were a…?’ Reid stuttered.
‘First time.’ Luke nodded. ‘You look shocked. Are you sorry we slept together?’
‘No, but, I would have gone slower.’
‘It was perfect and exactly the way I imagined it. But what are we going to do?’ He drew his hand up and down Reid’s chest.
‘I can think of a few things.’ Reid pulled Luke over him so the younger man was straddling him. Luke laughed and they began all over again.


They were just getting out of the shower when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

'Reid!' Katie shouted through the door. Reid lifted his head from Luke's neck where he had been nuzzling for the past few minutes with
his hands running up and down Luke's back.

'What?' He shouted back.
'Open the door!'
'Why? I'm naked.'
'Put a towel on and open the door right now! I want an explanation!'

Luke's face was stricken as he turned to face Reid.

'Does she know?' Luke mouthed.
'I don't know.' Reid mouthed back. Luke hid behind the door and Reid quickly wrapped a towel around his middle. He opened the door to face a very angry Katie.

'What?' He asked trying to mask the emotions that were running through him at that minute.
'You know what.' She replied shortly.
'I want to know what is going on with your 'night time activities'. Why, Reid?'

Reid was shocked. She must've noticed something. He mentally cursed himself. Luke stood still behind the door. How could he have done this to Reid? Now he was going to lose his job and it was all because of him. He felt awful.

'Look, Katie. I know it was wrong but I just couldn't stop it from happening. It's all my fault.' He looked down at his damp feet.
'I know it is and you'd better fix it!'
'I don't know how.' He said sadly.

'Well I suppose we could call an electrician or something.' Katie sighed and flicked her hair. Reid's head snapped upwards.
'You having midnight snacks, I can deal with. But when you leave the fridge door open, it breaks! You knew it was on the fritz when you moved in! Now you have to either fix this one or buy a new one. Capisci?'

'I've got it.' Reid said, his entire body almost shouting out with joy.

'And try to leave some hot water for me, will you?'


‘I should probably get going.’ Luke said as he stepped back into his pants after the longest shower he’d ever experienced. He ruffled his wet hair and put his shirt back on. Had this not been an illicit night, he would have put on one of Reid’s t-shirts but he knew he couldn’t. For a second he considered how difficult it would be now for them to keep their hands off one another.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around his middle and kissed the space between his ear and collarbone.

‘You probably should. What time is it, anyway?’ Reid asked as he untangled himself and went searching for his watch.
‘Don’t worry. I’ve got my mobile. It’s… Oh shit.’ Luke looked at his phone and saw over fifty messages waiting for him.
‘What? Does someone know you were here?!’ Reid turned around in panic.
‘No, but someone sure wants to find out where I am.’ Luke turned the screen around so Reid could see his mobile.

‘Christ. What are you going to tell them? You can’t tell them you were with friends.’
‘Oh god, Reid, what am I going to do?’
‘Sssh, it’s okay. It’s all going to be fine.’ He pulled Luke to his chest and gripped him as tightly as fear gripped his stomach.
‘What have we done?’ Luke murmured against Reid’s chest. ‘What did I make you do? You could lose your job, you reputation. How can you even look at me?’ Reid pulled Luke back so he could see into his eyes.

‘At least your legal now?’ Reid lifted his shoulders as if to joke and Luke glared at him. ‘Luke, I don’t blame you at all. You didn’t make me do anything I hadn’t wanted to do for months.
Let’s not jump to conclusions here. What can you tell them that is even slightly plausible?’

‘That I was busy riding my Biology professors cock so hard he saw stars?’ Luke suggested.
‘True, but I’m not sure I want my boss, your mother, knowing the intricate positions of our love-making just yet.’ Reid smiled as Luke
rested his forearms on his shoulders and played with the hair at the nape of Reid’s neck.

‘And we can’t even use the ‘I got really drunk and ended up in…’ because then my parents would get even madder, considering the kidney and everything.’
‘A story for another time, Reid.’
‘Right. Well we could flip that around and say that you stayed in a hotel because all the alcohol was distracting?’
‘That could work.’
‘You’d have to use those big puppy dog eyes of yours.’
‘I’d do anything to keep you from being taken away from me.’

They rested their foreheads together, neither knowing how to deal with the situation completely. How would they go on from here? As secret boyfriends or would they run away together to avoid his family?

‘I just want to be with you, Reid.’
‘It will be difficult to hide our attraction.’ Reid nodded in acceptance, ‘We’d have to wait until you finished college before we could tell anyone about us.’
‘I could move schools! That would free you up from any wrong-doing.’
‘No! You got a scholarship and I’m not taking that away from you, Luke. I care too much about you to make you move because of me.’

Luke kissed Reid softly,

‘I do believe I’ve fallen for you, Dr Oliver.’


Luke tried to sneak home but was held up by half of his family all sitting around grandma Emma’s kitchen table. He could see all of their faces all expressing the same emotions. Shock, fatigue and half of them were fairly hung over.

‘Luke! Where the hell have you been?’ Holden shouted out as he pulled Luke into a hug.
‘It’s a long story.’
‘What’s the short version?’ Lily asked as she stood up from the table.
‘The alcohol last night got to me. I didn’t have any, but I had to get away before it got to that situation.’
‘I’m so sorry, Luke. We should have been more considerate.’ Holden said as he looked at his feet.
‘That’s ok. I just hope you understand.’
‘Where did you go?’

‘Shit.’ Luke thought. Reid had come up blank for this question so he simply thought of the most random place in Oakdale.

‘I was at grandmother’s cottage.’
‘Oh right. I forgot that was empty this time of year.’ Luke could have buckled over with relief.
‘Well, I’m shattered. Thanks for the party last night. I’m going to bed. Bye.’ He waved goodbye to his congregated family and ran up the farm steps.

He reached for his phone and texted Reid,

[i]They bought it.[/i]

He sat down on his bed and thought about the previous night, how Reid had been so gentle and yet so forceful as he pounded into him. Luke shifted on the bed, glad to feel the remnants of the previous night, the dull ache that meant that it had actually happened. Luke grinned.

Reid cared about him. Luke. The eighteen-year old, drunk who had set his eyes on his gorgeous Biology professor from day one.

His phone beeped and he picked it up and laughed.

[i]Thank god, otherwise we would have been well and truly fucked. And not in the way you’re thinking, my dirty-minded friend.[/i]

Something told Luke that everything was going to okay. For now.


Reid was lying, spread eagle on his rumpled bed. To tired to move he simply shut his eyes as he tried to figure out how he would sort out the situation. There was no doubt in his mind: he was in love with Luke Snyder. Now all he had to do was sort out how their relationship could continue. That thought would have to wait for another day as his mobile vibrated against his side.

‘Hi, Reid, it’s Katie. We’ve found Luke.’ His heart skipped at beat at just his name. He was such a teenager.
‘When did you lose him?’
‘Last night. We all thought he might have gone home with some guy but it turns out he just spent the night in his grandmother’s cottage. He’s as innocent as his reputation.’ She laughed.

‘He wasn’t very innocent last night. Some of the dirtiest things came out of those beautiful lips.’ Reid thought. He shook his head.

‘Ha! Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night so I might just spend the rest of the day in bed.’ He said. He smiled remembering the previous night. He could see the marks on the wall behind him where the headboard had crashed into the wall so hard it scuffed the paint.

‘Oh. Well I spent the night at Chris’ apartment so we didn’t do very much sleeping, if you get what I mean.’ He could almost hear her wiggling her eyebrows.
‘Ew, the less I hear about your night of passion with Doogie Hughes, the better.’ He grimaced.
'Have you fixed the fridge yet?'
'I will soon!'
'Just get it done, Reid!'
'I will, now get back to your incestuous gathering!'
‘Sleep well, Reid.’ Katie laughed.

He ended the call and placed his phone on the bedside table.

‘What on earth are we going to do, Luke?’

!author|artist: imnotatotalgeek, luke/reid, atwt, fan fiction

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