Gimme 10 ccs of lollipops and rainbows, STAT - SPOILERY

Aug 18, 2010 22:57

So, I made peace with endgame pretty much back when they announced the cancellation. I knew they would end on at least a possible Nuke note, and I guessed they would probably kill off Reid to do it, because they couldn't make him all evil. But with these last two episodes, as awesome as Luke and Reid were, I'm back to being really angry.

I loved yesterday's episode, even the beginning where Luke was nice to Noah. This is partially wild speculation on my part about Luke's comment, "And I figured that's what you'd assume." Taking into account rooftop!Luke, it seemed like he was really understanding what was wrong with Nuke, and that Noah would never see his part in the ending of the relationship. Which Noah confirmed when he said, "Well what other reason would you have for not coming with me to LA?" REALLY!?! YOU WANT A LIST? COZ I CAN HAS ONE! (about five pages, duplexed and single spaced) Which leads me to rant the first. One of the greatest things about LuRe is how they have both matured through knowing each other. Luke has gained confidence and self worth. Reid has become more open and compassionate. Noah, meanwhile, is the same self-absorbed,self-righteous douchebag he's always been, and is still back on page one about why they broke up. Now I know he hasn't been on screen a lot lately, but you'd think his time in the unused character closet would have at least given him time for reflection (admittedly, Meg cackling maniacally and chewing on her straightjacket would be a distraction, but ya'd think Emma could talk sense to him, or Damian could at least teach him how to *pretend* not to be a douche). But no, as usual, Luke (and Reid) are to blame, plus how can we forget, "I was blind" (whine*pout). So any thought of a possible Luke/Noah reconciliation, even as friends, makes me foam at the mouth. The only way this would possibly be ok for me would be if Noah came crawling to Luke on his hands and knees, saying "OMG, Luke, I finally realized that I'm a worthless squinty douche who's treated you like shit for years. I know I'm not even fit to lick your boots, and you'd NEVER consider lowering yourself so far as to date me again, but if you let me at least be a friend to you, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you." Then he should get hit by a bus.

So, rant the second: Today's episode had some awesomeness (most notably SIDEDISH!!!!! OMG), but was also unsatisfying on the LuRe front. I really wanted them to talk about their feelings, and there should have been kissage, dammit! But no, instead, Douchy McStupidAsshole Chris gets sexy timz. Couldn't the writers at least have made it marginally palatable for Reid's heart to go to Chris? Instead, Chris is this total asswipe with no redeeming features whatsoever, and it's his own fucking fault that he's gonna need a new heart! Katie would be vastly better off without him, her own recent douchetardiness notwithstanding, and seriously? What the hell? You've been treating me like crap and I'll just fall into bed with you? So I was trying to wave my pride flag, but TPTB just shit all over it.

Please, awesome fandom, help me to find my happy place again!
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