Intro Post! :)!

May 01, 2010 20:17

Hello everyone!! I have been lurking for awhile now and though I should introduce myself!!

Name: Maria

Location: London, England, UK

Age: 20

What other shows do you like to watch?: True Blood, Supernatural, Lie To Me, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Grey's Anatomy, Friends and LOADS more!

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?: I LOVE Reid's character! His interactions with everyone is nothing short of awesome! And of course when the sexual tension began show, the sexual chemistry! (I thought he was a bit of a jerk at first when I saw him on the phone, but from the first scene after that with Luke I think I just started to like the things he came out with and him. Liked him more each time I saw him and now I'm obsessed!)

How did you find out about this group?: Searched it on livejournal

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?: I make videos (you can find them on my youtube channel 'heathsluv') I try to write fic now and again but I would be shy to post it lol I would make icons but I don't know which program I would need.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?: Lilly and Holden, Luke and Noah.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke): Everything that comes out of Reid mouth! But I do really love...

"Your doctors went to clown college. Your cops are dumber than rocks. And that's a - that's a medical diagnosis."

"What I see is the big, fat, silver spoon in your mouth that I hope you choke on"

"Oh my god your sitting down?"

"Let me have my cell phone back so I can at least try to book a seat on the next flight out of this town that... time forgot."

"They're all amazing, though. It's this tangled mass of grey spaghetti, it's totally alien. But... it's not much to look at to the naked eye, but it makes us walk and talk, think... remember, smell... love. It produced the Sistine Chapel. Chocolate. Theory of relativity. Godfather, parts one and two. Not so sure about three..."

Shall I go on? :)!

Link to my latest video! :)!

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!!intro post, !author|artist: david_james_gal, fanvid

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