
Apr 30, 2010 16:26

I've been a lurker for a while now and just decided it would be good to introduce myself. I love this community so much! All of the fanfic and discussions are great and I'm so glad I found this. Alrighty, here's some stuff about me...

Name: Lizzie

Location: USA

Age: 22

What other shows do you like to watch? Oh geez...Doctor Who, Eastenders, used to watch One Life to Live until Kish went away, Torchwood, How I Met Your Mother, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Community, The Office, Vampire Diaries, and about a dozen more

What attracted you to Luke/Reid? Does it need saying? I was a Nuke fan for a while and then stopped watching the show cause they started to bore me. Then I turned it on one day and saw Reid and now I'm hooked again. His snarkiness and the sexual tension between him and Luke keep me watching their clips on youtube over and over again.

How did you find out about this group? By searching for LuRe fanfic

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? I write fanfic, but I'm so busy now that it's hard to find the time. I plan to write some LuRe after graduation though

Other As the World Turns pairings you love? eh..I guess I'll say Luke/Noah, but I'd much rather have LuRe

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke): Basically anything out of Reid's mouth..especially "holy co-dependency." I use that...a lot.

!!intro post

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